有没有人有一个 hex->ascii 方法来反转 WEP 加密?

我有我的 WEP 密钥(例如 F2:E8:54:22:F3),但不记得我的密码。我不太关心密码的准确性。

我找到了这个站点,它有一个 Linux 程序,它似乎可以使用该站点生成的密钥值(假设是相同的 WEP 加密引擎),但不幸的是,它不适用于我拥有的密钥。

如果有人有的话,我想要的是 Perl/C# 解决方案。


  1. 我知道会有几个 ascii 选项,因为这是 WEP(越多越好,以帮助我找到我的原始密码)
  2. 我知道 WPA/WPA2 被建议作为 WEP 的更好替代方案
  3. 我知道有些路由器有一个 http 管理页面 (,那里可能有 ascii 密码


  1. 我想你可以在这个问题上说这个捎带,但它是不同的,因为那是询问身份验证,而我更关心 WEP 算法本身。

  2. 这不是出于非法黑客目的。获取 WEP 密钥是非法的,因为这是在访问 WEP 强制网络时使用的。我只是在问如何将该键转换为它的英文替代品。- 我还应该注意,在没有适当许可的情况下访问他人的网络和使用他们的资源可能是非法的。


2 回答 2



于 2010-08-15T00:33:55.480 回答

Every wireless network management interface I've ever dealt with has allowed me to enter the actual key (in hex) without requiring the English passphrase. This is going to be your best bet.

You seem to already be aware (given your "Things I Realize" #1) that there is not a one-to-one mapping of WEP keys to English passphrases. The reason for this is that the key is a non-reversible hash of the passphrase. That being the case, unless there's a major flaw in the hashing algorithm (highly unlikely, given that I've never heard that listed among the litany of WEP's weaknesses), it is mathematically impossible to reverse the hash.

Since you can't compute the passphrase from the key, there are only two possible ways to do the conversion you're asking for:

1) Google the key and see whether it appears in any public WEP key rainbow tables. However, given that there's extremely little actual value to an attacker in converting a WEP key back into a passphrase (they can just use the key directly, so why bother?), I would be mildly surprised if any such tables even exist.

2) Generate a crapload of candidate passphrases and throw them at WEP's hashing algorithm and hope that one of them generates the desired key. While this will (eventually) work, it's almost certain to take longer than generating a new key and updating all affected devices unless you can remember enough of the previous passphrase to allow you to narrow the search space considerably.

于 2010-08-15T09:46:43.280 回答