我正在为一种实验语言进行语义分析。我正在使用 Alex 和 Happy 来生成词法分析器和解析器(实际上我正在使用 BNFC 工具来生成 Alex 和 Happy 文件)。每当出现语义错误(例如类型错误)时,我都想收到带有行号和列号的错误消息。
似乎我必须在构建符号表或 AST 时存储行号信息。如果我能以某种方式访问 Happy 文件的规则部分中的位置信息,我的问题就会得到解决。
Expr -> Expr + Term
| Term
Term -> Int
%wrapper "posn"
$digit = 0-9 -- digits
$alpha = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters
tokens :-
$white+ ;
"--".* ;
$digit+ { \p s -> L {getPos = p , unPos = Tok_Int (read s) }}
\+ { \p s -> L {getPos = p , unPos = Tok_Plus} }
data L a = L{ getPos :: AlexPosn, unPos :: a } deriving (Eq,Show)
data Token =
| Tok_Int Int
deriving (Eq,Show)
getToken :: IO [L Token]
getToken = do
args <- getArgs
case length args == 0 of
True -> do
error $ "\n****************Error: Expecting file name as an argument.\n"
False -> do
let fname = args !! 0
conts <- readFile fname
let tokens = alexScanTokens conts
return tokens
我的 Yacc 文件如下,这就是我苦苦挣扎的地方。如何在我的语法树中嵌入位置信息。
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}
module Parser where
import Lexer
%name pExpr Exp
%name pTerm Term
%tokentype {L Token}
%error { parseError }
int { L { getPos = _,unPos = Tok_Int $$ } }
'+' { L { getPos = _,unPos = Tok_Plus } }
Exp :: {L Expr}
Exp : Exp '+' Term { L { getPos = getPos $1 , unPos = EAdd (unPos $1) (unPos $3) } }
| Term { $1 }
Term :: {L Expr}
Term : int { L {getPos = getPos $1, unPos = EInt (unPos $1) } }
data Expr = EAdd Expr Expr
| EInt Int
deriving (Eq,Show)
returnM :: a -> Err a
returnM = return
thenM :: Err a -> (a -> Err b) -> Err b
thenM = (>>=)
parseError :: [L Token] -> a
parseError _ = error "Parse error"
尝试编译生成的 Haskell 文件时出现以下类型错误。
Couldn't match expected type `L a0' with actual type `Int'
In the first argument of `getPos', namely `happy_var_1'
In the `getPos' field of a record
In the first argument of `HappyAbsSyn5', namely
`(L {getPos = getPos happy_var_1,
unPos = EInt (unPos happy_var_1)})'
Couldn't match expected type `L Int' with actual type `Int'
In the first argument of `unPos', namely `happy_var_1'
In the first argument of `EInt', namely `(unPos happy_var_1)'
In the `unPos' field of a record