为了创建一个自然语言计算器,我尝试了来自 nltk 的 TrigramTagger。我想在给定的句子中标记乘法和 2 个数字。例如:“什么是 5 和 7 的乘积”,这里的 'product' 是 'binary.multiply','5' 是 'num-1','7' 是 'num-2'。一旦我可以标记这 3 个,我就可以轻松计算答案。
但正如您在下面的输出中看到的那样,我无法针对这 2 个数字训练标注器。该数字必须与训练时完全相同,否则默认为“CD”。使用正则表达式或其他方式,我如何训练关于 num-1 和 num-2 的标记器?
import nltk.tag, nltk.data
from nltk import word_tokenize
default_tagger = nltk.data.load(nltk.tag._POS_TAGGER)
def evaluate(tagger, sentences):
good,total = 0,0.
for sentence in sentences:
tags = tagger.tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))
print tags
train_sents = [
[('product', 'binary.multiply'), ('of', 'IN'), ('5', 'num-1'), ('and', 'CC'), ('7', 'num-2'), ('?', '.')],
[ ('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('product', 'binary.multiply'), ('of', 'IN'), ('5', 'num-1'), ('and', 'CC'), ('7', 'num-2'), ('?', '.')],
[('what', 'WP'), ('happens', 'NNS'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('multiply', 'binary.multiply'), ('5', 'num-1'), ('with', 'IN'), ('7', 'num-2'), ('?', '.')],
[('5', 'num-1'), ('*', 'binary.multiply'), ('3.2','CD')],
[('is', 'NNP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('possible', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('multiply', 'binary.multiply'), ('5', 'num-1'), ('with', 'IN'), ('7', 'num-2'), ('?', '.')],
[('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('5', 'num-1'), ('times', 'binary.multiply'), ('7', 'num-2'), ('?', '.')]
sentences = [
('product of 5 and 7?'),
('what is product of 3 and 2.7?'),
('what happens when I multiply 0.1 with 5.21?'),
('9.1 * 3.2'),
('is it possible to multiply 5 with 7?'),
('what is 5 times 7?')
tagger = nltk.TrigramTagger(train_sents, backoff=default_tagger)
evaluate(tagger, sentences)
#model = tagger._context_to_tag
这个程序的输出不能识别不同的数字为 num-1 和 num-2,如何让它识别呢?
[('product', 'binary.multiply'), ('of', 'IN'), ('4', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('2', 'CD'), ('?', '.')]
[('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('product', 'binary.multiply'), ('of', 'IN'), ('3', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('2.7', 'CD'), ('?', '.')]
[('what', 'WP'), ('happens', 'NNS'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('multiply', 'binary.multiply'), ('0.1', 'CD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('5.21', 'CD'), ('?', '.')]
[('9.1', 'CD'), ('*', '-NONE-'), ('3.2', 'CD')]
[('is', 'NNP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('possible', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('multiply', 'binary.multiply'), ('2', 'CD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('77', 'CD'), ('?', '.')]
[('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('15', 'CD'), ('times', 'NNS'), ('72', 'CD'), ('?', '.')]