I'm trying to upgrade from Symfony 2.8 to Symfony 3, but I cannot update it from Composer.
I get this error :
hellogerard/jobby dev-master requires symfony/process ^2.7 -> satisfiable by symfony/process[v2.7.0 ... blabla bla v2.8.2]
When I look the composer.json file of this library I need, I see this :
"require": {
"symfony/process": "^2.7"
You can find the composer file of Jobby here : https://github.com/jobbyphp/jobby/blob/master/composer.json
The problem is that in Symfony 3, the symfony/process version is 3.0, and because of the "^2.7" on Jobby's composer.json, I cannot get it. I know that there is no backwards compatibilities problems with symfony/process, so how can I do to fix / ignore that problem ?