When I run ASP.NET 5 in Windows, and it throws an exception, I can view the entry in the Windows Event Viewer. I have deployed my site in a Docker container to Amazon's ECS, so it's running in Linux now. Where should I look in Linux to similarly view such entries?

I am trying to troubleshoot an error when I communicate with RDS, but it only occurs when I'm looking at it Linux, not when I run the site in the Visual Studio debugger.


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事实证明,可以使用以下命令查看 Docker 日志

docker logs ad7629ef8bc | less

ad7629ef8bc您想要的容器 ID在哪里。less将输出重定向到可滚动的 UI。要退出 UI 并返回提示,只需按q键。我还在http://linuxcommand.org/lts0060.php找到了更多关于less和其他输出选项的文档。

您可以在 找到所有 Docker 命令的列表docker --help

于 2016-02-04T07:00:43.517 回答