I am trying to store groups of contacts in CloudKit, and I am getting an error back if I try to create a large group of records, CKReferenced to a single group record.

The limit appears to be around 700 or so records.

Has anyone else seen a similar result, or can confirm the existence (or non-existence) of a limit? I can't find anything in the docs, or through Google.

NOTE: I am already splitting the records I submit into batches of 400 or less, as that seems to be a hard limit.


1 回答 1


是 & 否-这取决于是否CKReferencesCKReferenceAction.deleteSelf

CloudKit Web Services Reference * 中,Apple 列出了以下限制:

对单个目标的最大源引用数,其中操作为 delete self = 750

这可以解释为什么 EVCloudKitDao 能够超过这个限制(在上面的评论中)——它的 CKReferences 之前是使用 CKReferenceAction 创建的None

尽管 CloudKit Web 服务文档中只提到了此限制,但CloudKit 参考设计链接到它,并且它似乎是一个服务器端限制,无论您使用哪个 CloudKit API 都适用。

于 2016-09-21T16:00:44.440 回答