我目前正在研究 MailMerge Word-doc。它部分用字符串填充,部分用html(可以包含表格、图片、粗体/斜体/下划线文本等)填充。与默认单词对齐方式相比,单词 doc 还具有自定义对齐方式(因此标尺left, top, right, bottom
类似于1.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3
我的 MailMerge word-doc 中的内容,而 word-default 类似于2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5
跳转(并且似乎遵循默认的单词对齐,而不是我们的自定义对齐),而不是由 word-doc 中存在的静态文本和表格对齐。
我知道 MailMerging 使用默认的 MS Word 函数来插入 html,所以问题可能在于该默认函数而不是 Apose 的 MailMerging。我只是想知道是否有人知道解决方案。
设置的位置以进行对齐。假设我们在 HTML 部分插入的文本是非常基本的,例如纯文本:“这是一个测试 HTML 文本”。Word-doc 模板如下所示:
+ . 2 . | X 1 ............................................... 17 . | . X . |
X *Start of a table*
. ...
. Value: | {{Value}}
. *End of the table*
. *A bold title*
. {{html_Text}}
. *Another bold title*
但是 MailMerging 之后的结果是这样的:
+ . 2 . | X 1 ............................................... 17 . | . X . |
X *Start of a table*
. ...
. Value: | 2500
. *End of the table*
. *A bold title*
. this is a test HTML text
. *Another bold title*
html 文本在默认的 Word 标尺下不正确地对齐,而不是该文档的自定义之一。
(PS:我知道带括号的 MailMerging{{Something}}
比 使用少<<Something>>
,但两者的工作原理相同。我曾有人质疑我们过去使用的 MailMerge 语法,因此请注意。)
打印 DTO 对象:
public class OurObjectPrintDto
public OurObjectPrintDto(OurObject ob)
Value = ob.Value;
html_Text = ob.Text;
public string Value { get; private set; }
public string html_Text { get; private set; }
当我们点击 Generate Document 按钮时的方法:
public ActionResult Print(Guid id)
var ourObject = NhSession.GetByGuid<OurObject>(id);
var printData = new OutObjectPrintDto(ourObject);
var documentAsByteArray = _documentService.CreateMyObjectPrintAsBytes(printData);
return File(documentAsByteArray, "application/pdf");
public byte[] CreateMyObjectPrintAsBytes(MyObject printData)
return GenerateDocument("myobject.docx", printData);
private byte[] GenerateDocument(string fileName, object printData)
if (printData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("printData");
var path = Path.Combine(_templatePath, fileName);
using (var fileStream = new File.OpenRead(path))
var dataSource = new DocumentDataSource(printData);
return DocumentConverter.GenerateDocument(fileStream, dataSource);
public byte[] GenerateDocument(Stream template, DocumentDataSource dataSource)
var doc = new Document(template);
doc.MailMerge.UseNonMergeFields = true;
doc.MailMerge.CleanupOptions = MailMergeCleanupOption.RemoveContainingFields |
MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedFields |
MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions |
doc.ResourceLoadingCallback = new ImageLoadingHandler();
// Support html MailMerge-fields
doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = new HandleMergeFieldInsertHtml();
doc.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions((IMailMergeDataSourceRoot) dataSource);
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
doc.Save(memoryStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);
return memoryStream.ToArray();
using Aspose.Words;
using Aspose.Words.Reporting;
namespace Sogyo.Util.Pdf
public class HandleMergeFieldInsertHtml : IFieldMergingCallback
// This is called when merge field is atually merged with data in the document
void IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs e)
// All merge field that expect HTML data should be marked with the prefix 'html_'
if (e.DocumentFieldName.StartsWith("html_") && e.FieldValue != null)
// Insert the text for this merge field as HTML data
var documentBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(e.Document);
documentBuilder.InsertHtml((string) e.FieldValue);
// The HTML text itself should not be inserted.
// We have already inserted it as an HTML.
e.Text = "";
void IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs e)
来更改文档的标尺。这确实改变了文档的标尺对齐方式,但是插入的 html 文本仍然以相同的量跳入,就好像一个制表符在它之前一样。