For the moment tachyon is deploy on local mode i.e.
My main issue here is the ssh connexion. The classic way is to do:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat >> authorized_keys
But I would like to not enable ssh connexion (between the servers) for the moment and only deploy services with Ansible (which have the ssh connexion authorization). So here I have to deploy all tachyon services by myself. AFAIK I have to do:
format the master and then:
./bin/tachyon formatWorker
./bin/ master
./bin/ worker SudoMount
The problem here is how to format the master. Is ./bin/tachyon format -s
enough? Or do I have to change tachyon script and add a formatMaster cmd?
Version: tachyon(0.7.1) with spark(1.5.1) on a Ubuntu server(14.04) with Ansible(1.9.2) for deployment.