In reference to this post I am trying to create a map based web application using gvNIX to hold location data on health faciilities. Am following this tutorial as a guide. When issuing the command:

web mvc geo controller --class ~.web.MapViewerController --preferredMapping Tanzania --projection EPSG4210

I get the error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to convert 'EPSG4210' to type ProjectionCRSTypes for option 'projection'
No enum constant org.gvnix.addon.geo.addon.ProjectionCRSTypes.EPSG4210

Am new to GIS and am assuming that EPSG4210 is the correct Coordinate Referencing System for Tanzania? How may I overcome this error?

Kind regards, T


1 回答 1


gvNIX 中不包含此投影,因此默认情况下无法处理。


  1. 使用寄存器投影创建视图(例如 4326)

  2. 修改show.jspx以使用您的投影 (EPSG4210)

  3. 在proj4leaflet-custom-proj.js 文件中注册此投影(在那里您可以找到定义 EPSG:25830 的示例)(请参阅传单插件项目


于 2016-02-24T20:42:46.550 回答