var myDataVals = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getActiveRange().getValues();
这将为 分配一个二维数组myDataVals
从这里您可以循环遍历外部数组(逐行),然后是每个内部数组(逐列)。有很多方法可以解决这个问题,这实际上取决于你想要做什么。您可以在此处了解有关基本 JavaScript 编程的更多信息:https ://www.javascript.com/resources
我编写了一个示例函数,您可以使用它。我的解决方案是遍历行(外部数组),然后将它们分配给一个对象,其中键是员工姓名;这有效地按名称对行进行排序。然后我按时间戳值按降序对每个名称中的行进行排序。然后,从第一个(最近的)时间戳开始,我检查列 L 是 1 还是 0。如果找到 1,我将 strreaks 对象中名称的键处的数字加 1。如果我找到一个 0,则条纹被打破,我通过将我的 streakEnded 布尔值更改为 true 来退出 while 循环。如果单元格为空白或值不是 1 或 0,则不执行任何操作并继续循环,直到停止或不再有剩余行。
最后,返回 streaks 对象。从那里您可以在工作表中创建一个新页面,或者通过电子邮件发送结果,或者您可能想要做的任何其他事情。现在,我只是将对象记录到脚本记录器中。您可以通过在脚本编辑器中选择(查看 > 日志)来查看结果。确保您已突出显示单元格范围!
function streak() {
var activeRangeVals, allStreaks, columns;
// Get the active range as a 2-dimensional array of values
activeRangeVals = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getActiveRange().getValues();
// Define which columns contain what data in the active Range
// There are better ways to do this (named ranges)
// but this was quickest for me.
columns = {
'name': 6, // G
'streak': 11, // L
'time': 0 // A
allStreaks = getStreaks(getEmployeeRowsObject(activeRangeVals));
return allStreaks;
function getEmployeeRowsObject(data) {
// Create an empty object to hold employee data
var activeName, activeRow, employees = {}, i = 0;
// Iterate through the data by row and assign rows to employee object
// using employee names as the key
for(i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 1) {
// Assign the active row by copying from the array
activeRow = data[i].slice();
// Assign the active name based on info provided in the columns object
activeName = activeRow[columns['name']];
// If the employee is already defined on the object
if(employees[activeName] !== undefined) {
// Add the row to the stack
// If not:
} else {
// Define a new array with the first row being the active row
employees[activeName] = [activeRow];
return employees;
function getStreaks(employees) {
var activeRow, activeStreak, i = 0, streaks = {}, streakEnded;
for(employee in employees) {
activeRow = employees[employee];
// Sort by timestamp in descending order (most recent first)
activeRow = activeRow.sort(function(a, b) {
return b[columns['time']].getTime() - a[columns['time']].getTime();
i = 0, streaks[employee] = 0, streakEnded = false;
while(i < activeRow.length && streakEnded === false) {
activeStreak = parseInt(activeRow[i][columns['streak']]);
if(activeStreak === 1) {
streaks[employee] += 1;
} else if(activeStreak === 0) {
streakEnded = true;
i += 1;
return streaks;