I'm just about to get to know Taiga.io which is a project management platform and provides a scrum task-board as well as a kanban user story board.

However: Since it seems to be very common to track the "tasks" of an sprint on the task board if using scrum. If using kanban, you can track the userstories on the board and tasks are nested within the US and not pinned at a board as well - so there is no visual "movement" of the concrete working tasks as i understand.

Im now wondering if it is okay to just write user stories like tasks as the example of taiga.io shows: Kanban us-board example

Scrum task-board example

(the user story ist not in the format like "As a , I want so that " but in a task description like "develop filereader" or "implement the db-sheme")


2 回答 2



原因是 US 通常用于描述需求。它应该向开发人员展示价值并回答“为什么”的问题。所以美国的格式是这样的:“作为一个......我想要......所以......”。

另一方面,任务通常用于回答“如何”的问题。当我们查看一项任务时,我们应该能够知道具体要做什么。然而,要从单个任务中看到真正的价值并不容易。例如“实施 db-sheme”的价值或好处。

您展示的看板和 Scrum 示例很好地说明了差异。对于 Scrum 来说,美国是创造真正客户价值的东西。团队使用任务来实现它。对于看板来说,它更像是一条生产线。团队的输入通常已经是可行的,即具体的任务。因此,US 在看板中没有那么有用。


于 2016-01-13T21:50:09.497 回答


我不知道 Taiga.io,但是,例如,在 Attlasian Jira 中,您可以创建一个美国“作为用户我想发送电子邮件”,其中可能有一个名为“创建发送电子邮件的服务”的子任务

于 2016-01-13T07:54:00.153 回答