I am trying to add advanced search facilities to a Blacklight installation, but I know slim to nil about rails.
I am stuck in a (so far great) tutorial that states:
Turn this feature on by adding to your CatalogController definition:
self.search_params_logic << :add_advanced_parse_q_to_solr
I can find my CatalogController, but I have no clue where to put the "<< :add_advanced_parse_q_to_solr" thingie.
Is it a part of the class definition in the top? As it is now it says:
class CataligController < ApplicationController
Am I supposed to exchange the "< ApplicationController" with "<< :add_advanced_parse_q_to_solr", or should I just append it?
What does the ":" mean, and what does the "<<" mean?
If anyone have any good references to tutorials that can teach me these (I guess) basic syntaxes, please post them here - I would love to understand what I am doing instead of just copy/pasting me my way through!