使用 Spring Boot、Spring Data (MongoDB)。假设我有两个类有一些共同的超类,因此它们在同一个集合中:

@Document(collection = "automobiles")
public class Automobile {
   private String maker;


@Document(collection = "automobiles") //not sure if this is needed, but put it in anyway
public class Truck extends Automobile {

@Document(collection = "automobiles") //not sure if this is needed, but put it in anyway
public class Van extends Automobile {

以及每种类型对应的 MongoRepository:

public interface TruckRepository extends MongoRepository<Truck,String> {

public interface VanRepository extends MongoRepository<Van,String> {


@Autowired private TruckRepository truckRepository
@Autowired private VanRepository vanRepository

// save 1 of each in a fresh collection
truckRepository.save(new Truck(...));
vanRepository.save(new Van(...));

// try to get all vans
int size = vanRepository.findAll().size() // expect this to be 1, but is 2!

事实上 findAll 找到了包括卡车在内的所有汽车,并向下转换为 Van (!!)。如何在不引入类型字段的情况下使 Repository 类对类型更加严格?


  • spring-boot-starter-parent 1.2.7(父 pom)
  • spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
  • 弹簧靴启动球衣
  • spring-boot-starter-tomcat
  • 弹簧引导启动器执行器
  • 弹簧引导启动器测试

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