检查两个类型的实例是否具有相同的引用(即它们是否引用相同的内存地址)是一个operator overload
bool result = shop1 == shop2; //shop1 and shop2 are of type Shop
public static bool operator ==(Shop lhs, Shop rhs) {
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(lhs, null)) { //Check if the left-hand-side Shop is null
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(rhs, null)) {
return true; //both are null, equal reference
return false; //lhs is null, but rhs is not (not equal reference)
return lhs.Equals(rhs); //lhs is not null, thus can call .Equals, check if it is Equals to rhs
public static bool operator !=(Shop lhs, Shop rhs) { //the opposite operator
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(lhs, null)) {
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(rhs, null)) {
return false;
return true;
return !lhs.Equals(rhs);
还值得注意的Object.ReferenceEquals(lhs, null)
是,使用第二个而不是lhs == null
Shop shop1 = new Shop();
Shop shop2 = new Shop();
bool result = shop1 == shop2; //this will return false, since lhs and rhs referring to two different memory address
shop2 = shop1;
result = shop1 == shop2; //this will return true, referring to the same memory location
shop1 = null;
shop2 = null;
result = shop1 == shop2; //this will return true, both are null
public struct MyCrazyInt{ //this will reverse the result of + and -
private int Value { get; set; }
public MyCrazyInt(int value) :this() {
Value = value;
public bool Equals(MyCrazyInt otherCrazy) {
return this.Value != otherCrazy.Value; //reverse this result
public static MyCrazyInt operator +(MyCrazyInt lhs, MyCrazyInt rhs) {
int lhsVal = lhs.Value;
int rhsVal = rhs.Value;
return new MyCrazyInt(lhsVal - rhsVal); //note that direct lhs-rhs will cause StackOverflow
public static MyCrazyInt operator -(MyCrazyInt lhs, MyCrazyInt rhs) {
int lhsVal = lhs.Value;
int rhsVal = rhs.Value;
return new MyCrazyInt(lhsVal + rhsVal); //note that direct lhs+rhs will cause StackOverflow
public override string ToString() {
return Value.ToString();
MyCrazyInt crazyInt1 = new MyCrazyInt(5);
MyCrazyInt crazyInt2 = new MyCrazyInt(3);
MyCrazyInt crazyInt3 = crazyInt1 - crazyInt2; //this will return 8
crazyInt3 = crazyInt1 + crazyInt2; //this will return 2