这个证明在 Dafnys 的验证器中给出了一个无限循环:
// Status: verifier infinite loop
// rotates a region of the array by one place forward
method displace(arr: array<int>, start: nat, len: nat) returns (r: array<int>)
requires arr != null
requires start + len <= arr.Length
// returned array is the same size as input arr
ensures r != null && r.Length == arr.Length
// elements before the start of the region are unchanged
ensures arr[..start] == r[..start]
// elements after the end of the rhe region are unchanged
ensures arr[(start + len)..] == r[(start + len)..]
// elements in the region are skewed by one in a positive direction and wrap
// around
ensures forall k :: 0 <= k < len
==> r[start + ((k + 1) % len)] == arr[start + k]
var i: nat := 0;
r := new int[arr.Length];
// just make a copy of the array
while i < arr.Length
invariant i <= arr.Length
invariant forall k: nat :: k < i ==> r[k] == arr[k]
r[i] := arr[i];
i := i + 1;
i := 0;
// rotate the region
while i < len
invariant 0 <= i <= len
invariant arr[..start] == r[..start]
invariant arr[(start + len)..] == r[(start + len)..]
invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < i
==> r[start + ((k + 1) % len)] == arr[start + k]
r[start + ((i + 1) % len)] := arr[start + i];
i := i + 1;
method displace(arr: array<int>, start: nat, len: nat) returns (r: array<int>)
requires arr != null
requires start + len <= arr.Length
// returned array is the same size as input arr
ensures r != null && r.Length == arr.Length
// elements before the start of the region are unchanged
ensures arr[..start] == r[..start]
// elements after the end of the rhe region are unchanged
ensures arr[(start + len)..] == r[(start + len)..]
// elements in the region are skewed by one in a positive direction and wrap around
ensures forall k :: start <= k < (start + len)
==> r[start + (((k + 1) - start) % len)] == arr[k]
var i: nat := 0;
r := new int[arr.Length];
while i < arr.Length
invariant i <= arr.Length
invariant forall k: nat :: k < i ==> r[k] == arr[k]
r[i] := arr[i];
i := i + 1;
i := start;
while i < (start + len)
invariant start <= i <= (start + len)
invariant arr[..start] == r[..start]
invariant arr[(start + len)..] == r[(start + len)..]
invariant forall k :: start <= k < i
==> r[start + (((k + 1) - start) % len)] == arr[k]
r[start + (((i + 1) - start) % len)] := arr[i];
i := i + 1;