我正在尝试在 qpython 中运行以下脚本。您能否建议 mpg321 在 android 中的替代方案?
import os
from time import sleep as sleep
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
work_time = int(raw_input("give the working time. Default time is 25 minutes : ") or "25")
chill_time = int(raw_input("give the chill out time. Default time is 3 minutes : ") or "3")
total_time = int(raw_input("give the total working time. Default is 3 hours : ") or "3")*60
loop_count = (total_time/(work_time+chill_time+1))+1
def notificationsystem(work_time, chill_time):
print "stop procrastinating and start working"
os.system('mpg321 start.mp3 &')
print ("take a break for %s minutes" % chill_time)
os.system('mpg321 stop.mp3 &')
while loop_count > 0:
notificationsystem(work_time, chill_time)
loop_count -= 1