我尝试为我的 kvstore 创建一个 ssl 配置,我配置了 store 并创建了一个用户 root ,但是每当我尝试连接到 store 时,我都会收到以下错误:
- kv-> connect store -name OracleNoSqlSecurityTests -security /home/impadmin/oracle/client.txt
Error handling command connect store -name OracleNoSqlSecurityTests -security /home/impadmin/oracle/client.txt: Cannot connect to OracleNoSqlSecurityTests at localhost:5000
当我重新启动 kvstore 服务器并尝试再次创建用户 root 时,我得到以下信息:
kv-> plan create-user -name root -admin -wait
Enter the new password:
Re-enter the new password:
This command can't be used until the Admin is configured.