如何在 pytest bdd 中将参数从 WHEN 传递到 THEN?

@when('<n1> is a number divisible by 10')
def n1_is_a_number_divisible_by_10(n1):
  assert (n1 % 10) == 0
  newN1 = n1/10
  return newN1

@then('the result will also be divisible by 3')
def the_result_will_also_be_divisible_by_3(newN1):
  assert newN1 % 3 == 0

如何将 newN1 从何时传递到那时?

(我曾尝试将 newN1 设为全局变量……这可行,但在 python 中通常不赞成将事物设为全局)。


2 回答 2


您不能通过返回传递从“何时”到“那么”的任何内容。通常你想避免这种情况。但是,如果必须,请在两个步骤中使用 pytest 固定装置作为消息框:

def context():
    return {}

@when('<n1> is a number divisible by 10')
def n1_is_a_number_divisible_by_10(n1, context):
  assert (n1 % 10) == 0
  newN1 = n1 / 10
  context['partial_result'] = newN1

@then('the result will also be divisible by 3')
def the_result_will_also_be_divisible_by_3(context):
  assert context['partial_result'] % 3 == 0

“context”fixture 的结果被传递给“when”步骤,填充,然后传递给“then”部分。它不是每次都重新创建的。

作为旁注,测试您的测试不是最理想的 - 您在“何时”部分这样做,断言可分性。但这只是我猜的一些示例代码。

于 2017-02-15T17:06:08.387 回答

pytest-bdd 4.1.0 版本中,该when步骤现在支持target_fixturegiven步骤。

这是pytest-bdd 文档中的一个示例

# test_blog.py

from pytest_bdd import scenarios, given, when, then

from my_app.models import Article


@given("there is an article", target_fixture="article")
def there_is_an_article():
    return Article()

@when("I request the "
"deletion of the article", target_fixture="request_result") # <--- here
def there_should_be_a_new_article(article, http_client):
    return http_client.delete(f"/articles/{article.uid}")

@then("the request should be successful")
def article_is_published(request_result):
    assert request_result.status_code == 200
于 2021-08-31T14:31:12.600 回答