我有一个简单的非线性函数 y=x.^2,其中 x 和 y 是 n 维向量,正方形是按分量计算的正方形。我想使用 Matlab 中的自动编码器用低维向量近似 y。问题是即使将低维空间设置为 n-1,我的重构 y 也会失真。我的训练数据看起来像 这样,这是从低维空间重建的典型结果。我的 Matlab 代码如下所示。
%% Training data
hiddenSize1 = 80;
for i=1:dataNum
%scaling the data to [-1,1]
for i=1:inputSize
meanX=0.5; %mean(xTrain(i,:));
xTrain(i,:) = (xTrain(i,:)- meanX)./sd;
%% Training the first Autoencoder
% Create the network.
autoenc1 = feedforwardnet(hiddenSize1);
autoenc1.trainFcn = 'trainscg';
autoenc1.trainParam.epochs = epo;
% Do not use process functions at the input or output
autoenc1.inputs{1}.processFcns = {};
autoenc1.outputs{2}.processFcns = {};
% Set the transfer function for both layers to the logistic sigmoid
autoenc1.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'tansig';
autoenc1.layers{2}.transferFcn = 'tansig';
% Use all of the data for training
autoenc1.divideFcn = 'dividetrain';
autoenc1.performFcn = 'mae';
%% Train the autoencoder
autoenc1 = train(autoenc1,xTrain,xTrain);
% Create an empty network
autoEncoder = network;
% Set the number of inputs and layers
autoEncoder.numInputs = 1;
autoEncoder.numlayers = 1;
% Connect the 1st (and only) layer to the 1st input, and also connect the
% 1st layer to the output
autoEncoder.inputConnect(1,1) = 1;
autoEncoder.outputConnect = 1;
% Add a connection for a bias term to the first layer
autoEncoder.biasConnect = 1;
% Set the size of the input and the 1st layer
autoEncoder.inputs{1}.size = inputSize;
autoEncoder.layers{1}.size = hiddenSize1;
% Use the logistic sigmoid transfer function for the first layer
autoEncoder.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'tansig';
% Copy the weights and biases from the first layer of the trained
% autoencoder to this network
autoEncoder.IW{1,1} = autoenc1.IW{1,1};
autoEncoder.b{1,1} = autoenc1.b{1,1};
% generate the features
feat1 = autoEncoder(xTrain);
% Create an empty network
autoDecoder = network;
% Set the number of inputs and layers
autoDecoder.numInputs = 1;
autoDecoder.numlayers = 1;
% Connect the 1st (and only) layer to the 1st input, and also connect the
% 1st layer to the output
autoDecoder.inputConnect(1,1) = 1;
autoDecoder.outputConnect(1) = 1;
% Add a connection for a bias term to the first layer
autoDecoder.biasConnect(1) = 1;
% Set the size of the input and the 1st layer
autoDecoder.inputs{1}.size = hiddenSize1;
autoDecoder.layers{1}.size = inputSize;
% Use the logistic sigmoid transfer function for the first layer
autoDecoder.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'tansig';
% Copy the weights and biases from the first layer of the trained
% autoencoder to this network
autoDecoder.IW{1,1} = autoenc1.LW{2,1};
autoDecoder.b{1,1} = autoenc1.b{2,1};
%% Reconstruction
output = autoDecoder(input);
hold on