I currently am trying to write a Python program using scheme semantics so I can later translate it into Scheme without relying on a lot of Pythonic stuff.
I'm trying solve the sliding puzzle problem (where you have 9 slots and 8 tiles arranged in a square) using a*, depth first, and breadth first search algorithm. I did this ~11 years ago in some AI class in Lisp, but basically at the time I had no idea about lisp, I hated it with all my heart, and only in retrospect do I realize I was programming "C" in Lisp. The prof didn't help in this matter.
I have a python function which can swap two tiles easily:
def swap(p, (r1, c1), (r2, c2)):
# Swaps *any* two locations and returns new configuration
# Does not concern itself with zero location, etc
# Not sure how to do this functionally
p_p = p[:]
temp = p_p[r1][c1]
p_p[r1][c1] = p_p[r2][c2]
p_p[r2][c2] = temp
return p_p
I'd like to turn this into something you might find in SICP, avoiding side effects, etc.
But this brings up a question. Everything I read in SICP is loops via recursion. I didn't see anything in accessing arrays/vectors/lists in constant time. I can imagine a loopish/recursive way to read an element, but I find it harder to imagine a way to create a new list with a certain element changed, without invoking side-effect producing things like set!, and without resorting to crazy if/then/else clauses concerning which element should be changed. This of course gets more confusing when considering a 2d array. In this case the solution with python is obvious because of its native support for multidimensional arrays.
In C/C++/Python/Matlab/Lua/anything else, accessing lists/arrays via the [i] syntax is easy, and directly translates to a hardware-oriented pointer lookup somewhere underneath. I don't understand how scheme does this, given the atomic operations defined in the SICP version of scheme, which all seem very loop-and-search oriented. How do the vector and list array access functions work to get constant time access? (I'm a total newbie here, so I'm not ever sure what functions I'd be talking about). Is there a C or Assembly library someplace which is secretly being accessed? Are there any inherent constant-time semantics in scheme which could be used for list/array/vector access, and which would allow me a guilt-free way of using that idiom in Python for the moment?
How would can I rewrite the above function in python using Schemish semantics? How would I rewrite the above function in Scheme?