我是 d3 和 dc.js 的新手,正在尝试制作股票价格的时间序列图。
出于某种原因,我无法让 Dimension 工作。我觉得这与我的日期格式有关,我已经尝试过这个方法,但未能解决问题。
//create global variable 'stockpricedata' to store CSV data;
var stockpricedata = [];
//create global variable to enable parsing of dateFormat
var dateFormat = d3.time.format('%d/%m/%Y');
//create function that will input CSV data and draw a timechart.
//this function is called in a seperate piece of code using queue.js
//the code that loads the CSV data is also executed separately to this code
function makeChart(error, data) {
//First lets create a nested function that converts 'Test_Score' variable
//from char to numeric
function convData(data) {
stockpricedata = data;
d['Open'] = +d['Open'];
d['High'] = +d['High'];
d['Low'] = +d['Low'];
d['Close'] = +d['Close'];
d['Volume'] = +d['Volume'];
d['Adj Close'] = +d['Adj Close'];
d['Adj Close'] = +d['Adj Close'];
d.daydate = dateFormat.parse(d.Date);
//Call the function
//initiate crossfilter
var ndx = crossfilter(stockpricedata);
var all = ndx.groupAll();
//test ndx object to ensure that it initiated correctly
var n = ndx.groupAll().reduceCount().value();
console.log("Lets say there are " + n + " datapoints in my file"); //yes, this is showing a valid number, so this is working.
//Create 'Date' dimension that returns the DAY.
var DateDim = ndx.dimension(function(d)
{return d.daydate;}
//Create 'Sum' grouping to Sum the price (there will only be 1 for each day, so should just show the stockprice) to calculate y-axis
var PriceGroup = DateDim.group().reduceSum(function(d){return d.Close;}); //d.Close is the 'closing price' datapoint
//create chart object and link it to HTML element
var StockPriceChart = dc.barChart('#histprice-line-chart');
//create minDate and maxDate variables so that we can set the x-axis scale.
var minDate = DateDim.bottom(1)[0].date;
var maxDate = DateDim.top(1)[0].date;
console.log("min date is " + minDate + " and max date is " + maxDate);
//chart attributes
.dimension(DateDim) //x-axis (range of scores)
.group(PriceGroup) //y-axis
// .margins({top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 50});
// showtime!
数据似乎正在加载并很好地显示在控制台中。在我的“daydate”变量中,我原来的“日期”字段被格式化为 D3 格式。控制台中的示例数据点如下:
200:对象调整收盘价:90.22737 收盘价:93.8913 日期:“2015 年 3 月 4 日”高点:93.8913 低点:93.8913 开盘价:93.8913 成交量:0 日期:15 月 3 日星期五 00:00:00 GMT+1100 (AEDT)
var DateDim = ndx.dimension(function(d)
{return d.daydate;}
console.log(DateDim).top(5); // ?!?!? why is this not working ?!?!?!?
当我尝试将 DateDim 记录到控制台时,我还在控制台中收到以下错误:'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined'。