我正在 iOS App 中实现 Stripe Payment,并按照此处提到的步骤操作:https ://github.com/ParsePlatform/ParseStore
在第 7 步运行“解析部署”它显示部署错误:没有这样的文件或目录
我的 global.json 文件:
"global": {
"parseVersion": "1.2.1"
"applications": {
"ParseStore": {
"applicationId": "fZXCNaUOMWiCo7------key---------------------"
"_default": {
"link": "ParseStore"
MAC-D05:CloudTest myusername$ parse add
We've changed the way the CLI works.
To save time logging in, you should create an account key.
Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key.
Read more at: https://parse.com/docs/cloudcode/guide#command-line-account-keys
Email: myemail@gmail.com
Password (will be hidden):
1: ParseStore
2: otherapp1
3: otherapp2
4: otherapp3
5: lsjdfsljdf
Select an App to add to config: 1
Written config for "ParseStore"
MAC-D05:CloudTest myusername$ parse deploy
We've changed the way the CLI works.
To save time logging in, you should create an account key.
Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key.
Read more at: https://parse.com/docs/cloudcode/guide#command-line-account-keys
Email: myemail@gmail.com
Password (will be hidden):
Uploading source files
Uploading recent changes to scripts...
The following files will be uploaded:
Deploy failed with error:
lstat /Users/myusername/Documents/StripeParse/ParseStore/CloudTest /public: no such file or directory
Will retry in 0 seconds.
Uploading source files
Uploading recent changes to scripts...
The following files will be uploaded:
Sorry, deploy failed again with same error.
Will retry in 1 seconds.
Uploading source files
Uploading recent changes to scripts...
The following files will be uploaded:
lstat /Users/myusername/Documents/StripeParse/ParseStore/CloudTest/public: no such file or directory