I have a DispatcherTimer in a ViewModel for a graph component, to periodically update it (roll it).

Recently I discovered this is a massive resource leak since the ViewModel is created newly every time I navigate to the graph view and the DispatcherTimer is preventing the GC from destroying my ViewModel, because the Tick-Event holds a strong reference on it.

I solved this with a Wrapper around the DispatcherTimer which uses the FastSmartWeakEvent from Codeproject/Daniel Grunwald to avoid a strong reference to the VM and destroys itself once there are no more listeners:

public class WeakDispatcherTimer
    /// <summary>
    /// the actual timer
    /// </summary>
    private DispatcherTimer _timer;

    public WeakDispatcherTimer(TimeSpan interval, DispatcherPriority priority, EventHandler callback, Dispatcher dispatcher)
        Tick += callback;

        _timer = new DispatcherTimer(interval, priority, Timer_Elapsed, dispatcher);

    public void Start()

    private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        _tickEvent.Raise(sender, e);

        if (_tickEvent.EventListenerCount == 0) // all listeners have been garbage collected
            // kill the timer once the last listener is gone
            _timer.Stop(); // this un-registers the timer from the dispatcher
            _timer.Tick -= Timer_Elapsed; // this should make it possible to garbage-collect this wrapper

    public event EventHandler Tick
        add { _tickEvent.Add(value); }
        remove { _tickEvent.Remove(value); }
    FastSmartWeakEvent<EventHandler> _tickEvent = new FastSmartWeakEvent<EventHandler>(); 

This is how I use it. This was exactly the same without the "weak" before:

internal class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public MyViewModel()
        if (!IsInDesignMode)
            WeakDispatcherTimer repaintTimer = new WeakDispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300), DispatcherPriority.Render, RepaintTimer_Elapsed, Application.Current.Dispatcher);

    private void RepaintTimer_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e)

It seems to work good, but is this really the best/easiest solution or am I missing something?

I found absolutely nothing on google and can't believe I'm the only person using a timer in a ViewModel to update something and have a resource leak... That doesn't feel right!


As the graph component (SciChart) provides a method for attaching Modifiers (Behaviours), i wrote a SciChartRollingModifier, which is basically what AlexSeleznyov suggested in his answer. With a Behaviour it would have also been possible, but this is even simpler!

If anyone else needs a rolling SciChart LineGraph, this is how to do it:

public class SciChartRollingModifier : ChartModifierBase
    DispatcherTimer _renderTimer;

    private DateTime _oldNewestPoint;

    public SciChartRollingModifier()
        _renderTimer = new DispatcherTimer(RenderInterval, DispatcherPriority.Render, RenderTimer_Elapsed, Application.Current.Dispatcher);

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the render interval one it's set by the property (e.g. with a binding or in XAML)
    /// </summary>
    private static void RenderInterval_PropertyChangedCallback(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
        SciChartRollingModifier modifier = dependencyObject as SciChartRollingModifier;

        if (modifier == null)

        modifier._renderTimer.Interval = modifier.RenderInterval;

    /// <summary>
    /// this method actually moves the graph and triggers a repaint by changing the visible range
    /// </summary>
    private void RenderTimer_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DateRange maxRange = (DateRange)XAxis.GetMaximumRange();
        var newestPoint = maxRange.Max;

        if (newestPoint != _oldNewestPoint) // prevent the graph from repainting if nothing changed
            XAxis.VisibleRange = new DateRange(newestPoint - TimeSpan, newestPoint);

        _oldNewestPoint = newestPoint;

    #region Dependency Properties

    public static readonly DependencyProperty TimeSpanProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        "TimeSpan", typeof (TimeSpan), typeof (SciChartRollingModifier), new PropertyMetadata(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)));

    /// <summary>
    /// This is the timespan the graph always shows in rolling mode. Default is 1min.
    /// </summary>
    public TimeSpan TimeSpan
        get { return (TimeSpan) GetValue(TimeSpanProperty); }
        set { SetValue(TimeSpanProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty RenderIntervalProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        "RenderInterval", typeof (TimeSpan), typeof (SciChartRollingModifier), new PropertyMetadata(System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300), RenderInterval_PropertyChangedCallback));

    /// <summary>
    /// This is the repaint interval. In this interval the graph moves a bit and repaints. Default is 300ms.
    /// </summary>
    public TimeSpan RenderInterval
        get { return (TimeSpan) GetValue(RenderIntervalProperty); }
        set { SetValue(RenderIntervalProperty, value); }


    #region Overrides of ChartModifierBase

    protected override void OnIsEnabledChanged()

        // start/stop the timer only of the modifier is already attached
        if (IsAttached)
            _renderTimer.IsEnabled = IsEnabled;


    #region Overrides of ApiElementBase

    public override void OnAttached()

        if (IsEnabled)

    public override void OnDetached()



2 回答 2


我可能没有得到你想要的东西,但对我来说,你在 ViewModel 中添加的功能似乎超出了它的处理能力。在视图模型中有一个计时器会使单元测试更加困难。

我会将这些步骤提取到一个单独的组件中,该组件会通知 ViewModel 计时器间隔已过。而且,如果实现为交互行为,这个单独的组件将准确地知道何时创建/销毁 View(通过 OnAttached/OnDetached 方法),进而可以启动/停止计时器。

这里的另一个好处是您可以轻松地对该 ViewModel 进行单元测试。

于 2016-01-11T15:36:11.703 回答

您可以将 View 的Closing事件绑定到CommandViewModel 中的 a,Stop()调用DispatchTimer. 这将允许定时器和 ViewModel 被 CG:ed。


    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Closing">
        <command:EventToCommand Command="{Binding CloseCommand}" />


public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public MyViewModel()
        DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer(
            (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine(@"tick"),

        CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(() => timer.Stop());

    public ICommand CloseCommand { get; set; }

其他解决方案可能是使计时器静态或在 ViewModelLocator 或类似位置保持对您的 VM 的静态引用。

于 2016-01-08T21:17:40.443 回答