我对 Python 完全陌生,我想创建一个简单的脚本,它可以在文件中找到我的特定值,然后用它执行一些计算。

所以我有一个 .gcode 文件(它是一个包含数千行的 3D 打印机文件,但它可以被任何简单的文本编辑器打开)。我想创建一个简单的 Python 程序,当您启动它时,会打开简单的 GUI,并带有要求选择 .gcode 文件的按钮。然后打开文件后,我希望程序找到特定的行

; 使用的灯丝 = 22900.5mm (55.1cm3)

(上面是文件中行的确切格式)并从中提取值 55.1。稍后我想用这个值做一些简单的计算。到目前为止,我已经制作了一个简单的 GUI 和一个带有打开文件选项的按钮,但我被困在如何从这个文件中获取这个值作为一个数字(所以它可以在以后的方程中使用)。

我希望我已经足够清楚地解释了我的问题,以便有人可以帮助我:) 提前感谢您的帮助!


from tkinter import *
import re

# Here, we are creating our class, Window, and inheriting from the Frame
# class. Frame is a class from the tkinter module. (see Lib/tkinter/__init__)
class Window(Frame):

    # Define settings upon initialization. Here you can specify
def __init__(self, master=None):

        # parameters that you want to send through the Frame class. 
Frame.__init__(self, master)   

        #reference to the master widget, which is the tk window                 
self.master = master

        #with that, we want to then run init_window, which doesn't yet exist

    #Creation of init_window
def init_window(self):

        # changing the title of our master widget      
self.master.title("Used Filament Data")

        # allowing the widget to take the full space of the root window
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # creating a menu instance
menu = Menu(self.master)

        # create the file object)
file = Menu(menu)

        # adds a command to the menu option, calling it exit, and the
        # command it runs on event is client_exit
file.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.client_exit)

        #added "file" to our menu
menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=file)

        #Creating the button
quitButton = Button(self, text="Load GCODE",command=self.read_gcode)
quitButton.place(x=0, y=0)

def get_filament_value(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f_gcode:
data = f_gcode.read()
re_value = re.search('filament used = .*? \(([0-9.]+)', data)

if re_value:
value = float(re_value.group(1))
print 'filament not found in {}'.format(root.fileName)
value = 0.0
return value

print get_filament_value('test.gcode') 

def read_gcode(self):
root.fileName = filedialog.askopenfilename( filetypes = ( ("GCODE files", "*.gcode"),("All files", "*.*") ) )
self.value = self.get_filament_value(root.fileName)

def client_exit(self):

# root window created. Here, that would be the only window, but
# you can later have windows within windows.
root = Tk()


#creation of an instance
app = Window(root)


1 回答 1


您可以使用正则表达式在 gcode 文件中查找匹配行。以下函数加载整个 gcode 文件并进行搜索。如果找到,则将值作为浮点数返回。

import re

def get_filament_value(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f_gcode:
        data = f_gcode.read()
        re_value = re.search('filament used = .*? \(([0-9.]+)', data)

        if re_value:
            value = float(re_value.group(1))
            print('filament not found in {}'.format(filename))
            value = 0.0
        return value





from tkinter import *
import re

# Here, we are creating our class, Window, and inheriting from the Frame
# class. Frame is a class from the tkinter module. (see Lib/tkinter/__init__)
class Window(Frame):

    # Define settings upon initialization. Here you can specify
    def __init__(self, master=None):

        # parameters that you want to send through the Frame class. 
        Frame.__init__(self, master)   

        #reference to the master widget, which is the tk window                 
        self.master = master

        #with that, we want to then run init_window, which doesn't yet exist

    #Creation of init_window
    def init_window(self):

        # changing the title of our master widget      
        self.master.title("Used Filament Data")

        # allowing the widget to take the full space of the root window
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # creating a menu instance
        menu = Menu(self.master)

        # create the file object)
        file = Menu(menu)

        # adds a command to the menu option, calling it exit, and the
        # command it runs on event is client_exit
        file.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.client_exit)

        #added "file" to our menu
        menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=file)

        #Creating the button
        quitButton = Button(self, text="Load GCODE",command=self.read_gcode)
        quitButton.place(x=0, y=0)

    # Load the gcode file in and extract the filament value
    def get_filament_value(self, fileName):
        with open(fileName, 'r') as f_gcode:
            data = f_gcode.read()
            re_value = re.search('filament used = .*? \(([0-9.]+)', data)

            if re_value:
                value = float(re_value.group(1))
                print('filament value is {}'.format(value))
                value = 0.0
                print('filament not found in {}'.format(fileName))
        return value

    def read_gcode(self):
        root.fileName = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = (("GCODE files", "*.gcode"), ("All files", "*.*")))
        self.value = self.get_filament_value(root.fileName)

    def client_exit(self):

# root window created. Here, that would be the only window, but
# you can later have windows within windows.
root = Tk()


#creation of an instance
app = Window(root)


这会将结果作为浮点数保存到名为 的类变量value中。

于 2016-01-06T17:42:07.870 回答