I'm trying to build my app with React and Node (Isomorphic Rendering Architecture). I found on github example project but i have problem. I would like to develop my project client and server together, that the same Component can gets data/actions whataever from client nad server simultaneously. For example:
var Component = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="commentBox">
You can see that, Component gets props from client and server together. How i can do this? I tryed 3 github projects but always i can't implement it. I dont know why. of course it's working when i render Component only by server or only by client but it's not working together.
For example when I render Component by server i can't make any actions specific for client (onclick alerting etc.) . So that's why it's important for me. Rendering some data from server and makes some client actions. But together, still on the same Component.
I'm sorry for my poor english!