这并不是所描述的问题,因为被调用的程序而不是参数包含一个空格。谷歌搜索“如果文件名包含空白,whshell.run 不起作用”让我来到这里。
' Drive D:\Program Files\Batch\Monitor.bat with no associated command window
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' These methods work: (Select one)
Return = WshShell.Run("""D:\Program Files\Batch\Monitor.bat""", 0)
' Return = WshShell.Run("D:\.D-DISK\Monitor.bat", 0)
' Note: Here "D:\.D-DISK\Monitor.bat" is a symbolic link to
' "D:\Program Files\Batch\Monitor.bat"
' The following methods fail because of the space in the filename.
' WshShell.Run( chr(34) & D:\Program Files\Batch\Monitor.bat & Chr(34), 0 )
' Return = WshShell.Run("D:\Program Files\Batch\Monitor.bat", 0)
' Return = WshShell.Run(""D:\Program Files\Batch\Monitor.bat"", 0)
Set WshShell = Nothing