大家好,tx 的支持。

到目前为止,要向 facebook 页面添加自定义选项卡,我使用此 url https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=APP-ID&redirect_uri=APP-URL

通过这种方式,我将安全页面选项卡 URL 正确添加到我的 facebook 页面。

我的问题是我需要在同一个应用程序中添加与不同 url 相关的不同选项卡。例如,我需要添加一个与 APP-URL/联系人相关的名为“CONTACT”的选项卡,另一个与 APP-URL/产品相关的名为“PRODUCTS”的选项卡等等。我不想创建多个 facebook 应用程序来执行此操作,可以吗?


1 回答 1


That is impossible, you can´t install an App more than one time per Page. You can only show different content depending on the Page by reading the Page ID in the signed_request parameter.

In other words: One App can be installed on several Pages, but one App can only be installed one time per Page.

Information about how to use the signed_request parameter can be found in many Stackoverflow threads, for example: how to read facebook signed_request to get user_id

It´s a simple POST parameter and you need to parse it. Just debug the result and you will see the Page ID.

于 2016-01-03T15:40:55.177 回答