I have been using redux and redux dev-tools for about a week now and I'm loving it. I'm a big fan of Material Design and so I thought I should give material-ui a try.

It was all good until I used components other than buttons such as DropDownMenu.

The dropdown menu seems to stop working after the initial load. Here's my component:

<DropDownMenu value={locale} onChange={languageChangeHandler}>
   <MenuItem value={1} primaryText="English"/>
   <MenuItem value={2} primaryText="Arabic"/>

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I figured out a workaround:

I had to injectTapEventPlugin() everytime the app is rendered (when the store state changes) otherwise it won't work after the initial load. This made the DropDownMenu work when using hot reloading.

There is an open issue to address the injectTapEventPlugin() situation => https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/issues/1011

于 2016-01-03T10:53:36.377 回答