Stuck at Error: "Symfony console must be selected"

I've been trying for almost a week to set up an environment to develope a web application using Symfony2 framework and NetBeans IDE. I already have a an HTML-Bootstrap-Javascript project ready. There is no engine to the car yet, except for a few trial use cases. The requirement is to select an approriate framework and IDE to develop the php part of the application.

I've done the following:

  • Installed the installer from command line and moved to the projects folder (which is in the wamp/www directory)
  • Created new symfony project from command line ( php symfony new Test)
  • Downloaded and installed NetBeans 8.1 (I've tried 8.0.1 as well, thinking that using the .zip file from GitHub might solve the problem as most solutions online to similar issues are related to using the .zip folde - 8.1 takes installer path)
  • In NetBeans tools/options I've given path to php.exe and under frameworks "Installer" selected the installer file I had downloaded (D:\wamp\www\projects\symfony). One thing that bugs me here is that if I click "Search.." after selecting this path, it doesnt find the installer.

After creating new project, and going through all the steps of the wizard (selecting framework symphony2) I get the error "symfony2 console must be selected" At this point the options dialog box comes to foreground with the "frameworks & tools" tab open.Option dialog box when pops up when error dialog box is closed

Since I'm not using any zip file, instead I'm using the installer, I cannot apply the recommendations on another post here which talks about extracting the zip folder and creating a new zip folder with the sub contents.

Getting frustrated with this combo now, btw...I have tried an older version of NetBeans so I could use the .zip folder from GitHub, implemented the solution I found on stackoverflow....same result. I can really use some help here!! Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


在 Netbeans 中:项目属性,忽略文件夹,包括项目的供应商文件夹。Netbeans 发现的任何错误都可以忽略。

此外,在项目属性中,选择框架、Symfony2。检查“启用”和“忽略应用程序/缓存目录”。已经安装了 Symfony,您不需要在 Netbean 的工具、选项、PHP、框架...、Symfony2 安装程序中输入条目。确保选中“默认情况下忽略缓存目录”。

于 2016-01-02T17:29:02.090 回答


  1. 该解决方案使用 Windows XP、Xampp、NetBeans 8.1 和 symfony 2.8 进行了测试。
  2. 按照 Symfony 官方网站中的说明下载 Symfony 2.8。
  3. 将它下载到名为“C:\my_project”的文件夹中(但我的目标文件夹将是:“C:\projects\my_project”)然后我压缩了这个文件夹(例如,使用 Winzip)。

  4. 打开 NetBeans 8.1。首先,我选择“Tools|Options|PHP”并输入 PHP 5 Interpeter:“C:\xampp\php\php.exe”并点击“OK”

  5. 选择:“文件|导入项目...|从 ZIP 文件中”我选择 ZIP 文件“my_project.zip”和“文件夹:C:\projects”并继续导入项目

  6. 导入完成后,选择:“文件|关闭所有项目”

  7. 然后“文件|打开项目...”并选择新项目

  8. 最后,选择“文件|项目属性”并在“源”选项中确保路径:“项目文件夹”和“源文件夹”相同。就我而言:“C:\projects\my_project”

于 2016-03-25T22:17:53.750 回答