虽然 Gtk.table 已被弃用,但我使用它得到了更好的结果,而不是推荐的 Gtk.Grid。
我的目标是创建一个 Gtk 窗口,顶部有一个笔记本,下面有两个按钮。这些按钮应水平对齐。
uses Gtk
class TestWindow : Window
// General characteristics of the window
title = "Gtk Containers"
default_height = 250
default_width = 250
window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER
// Now building the notebook
var notebook = new Gtk.Notebook()
var label1 = new Gtk.Label("Page one")
var label2 = new Gtk.Label("Page two")
var child1 = new Gtk.Label("Go to page 2 for the answer")
var child2 = new Gtk.Label("Go to page 1 for the answer")
notebook.append_page(child1, label1)
notebook.append_page(child2, label2)
// Now building the table
var table = new Table(2,2,true)
var button1 = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic("Button_1")
var button2 = new Button.with_mnemonic("Button_2")
// Attaching all elements into the table
table.attach_defaults(notebook, 0,2,0,1)
table.attach_defaults(button1, 0,1,1,2)
table.attach_defaults(button2, 1,2,1,2)
Gtk.init (ref args)
var test = new TestWindow ()
test.show_all ()
Gtk.main ()
但是,与推荐的 Gtk.Grid 相同的代码给了我两个没有笔记本的按钮:
uses Gtk
class TestWindow : Window
// General characteristics of the window
title = "Gtk Containers"
default_height = 250
default_width = 250
window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER
// Now building the notebook
var notebook = new Gtk.Notebook()
var label1 = new Gtk.Label("Page one")
var label2 = new Gtk.Label("Page two")
var child1 = new Gtk.Label("Go to page 2 for the answer")
var child2 = new Gtk.Label("Go to page 1 for the answer")
notebook.append_page(child1, label1)
notebook.append_page(child2, label2)
// Now building the grid
var grid = new Grid()
var button1 = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic("Button_1")
var button2 = new Button.with_mnemonic("Button_2")
// Attaching all elements into the grid
grid.attach(notebook, 0,2,0,1)
grid.attach(button1, 0,1,1,2)
grid.attach(button2, 1,2,1,2)
Gtk.init (ref args)
var test = new TestWindow ()
test.show_all ()
Gtk.main ()
如何使用 Grid 而不是 Tables 来实现目标?不要求代码,只是一个指针。