In PDW, you can have 10 loads running concurrently and up to 40 queued, then the 51st will fail. What about for Azure SQL DW?

This page mentions the DWU/concurrency numbers. Does data loading (through bulk load and Polybase) also follow the 32 concurrent query limit? What happens if you try to run 33 concurrent loads? Is there a max queue depth?


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这些加载并发限制不适用于批量加载和 PolyBase 操作。由于这些是当前 SQL DW 可用的加载机制,因此加载时您只会受到当前运行查询的限制的限制。您链接到的页面列出了并发限制。如果超出这些限制,查询将排队最多 1000 个,然后在队列满后将失败。

于 2016-01-04T16:55:44.613 回答