I'm using a pretty cool JavaScript/jQuery library called OpenSeaDragon. It's for displaying deep zoom images. It also have a method for adding 'overlays', essentially creating a div and putting it over the image with coordinates though a viewer object. There's also a method for removing the overlays: https://openseadragon.github.io/docs/OpenSeadragon.Viewer.html#removeOverlay
viewer.removeOverlay(element or element id);
As the doc states regarding the input param: "A reference to the element or an element id which represent the ovelay content to be removed." I'm creating a whole bunch of overlays -- creating a grid out of rectangles -- so I've given them a class. Passing the class to this method doesn't work. So I'm trying to understand what they mean by "element". Is there a way I can use JQuery or JavaScript to select an "element" and pass it to the method? Or some such thing?