

  • 虚拟机
    • 通用启动器 Orion 和 Cygnus
    • IP:
  • 虚拟机乙
    • MongoDB
    • IP:



# Configuration file for apache-flume
# Copyright 2014 Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U
# This file is part of fiware-connectors (FI-WARE project).
# cosmos-injector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# cosmos-injector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with fiware-connectors. If not, see
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License please contact with iot_support at tid dot es

# Who to run cygnus as. Note that you may need to use root if you want
# to run cygnus in a privileged port (<1024)

# Where is the config folder

# Which is the config file

# Name of the agent. The name of the agent is not trivial, since it is the base for the Flume parameters 
# naming conventions, e.g. it appears in .sources.http-source.channels=...

# Name of the logfile located at /var/log/cygnus. It is important to put the extension '.log' in order to the log rotation works properly

# Administration port. Must be unique per instance

# Polling interval (seconds) for the configuration reloading


# Copyright 2014 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U
# This file is part of fiware-connectors (FI-WARE project).
# fiware-connectors is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# fiware-connectors is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with fiware-connectors. If not, see
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License please contact with iot_support at tid dot es

# To be put in APACHE_FLUME_HOME/conf/agent.conf
# General configuration template explaining how to setup a sink of each of the available types (HDFS, CKAN, MySQL).

# The next tree fields set the sources, sinks and channels used by Cygnus. You could use different names than the
# ones suggested below, but in that case make sure you keep coherence in properties names along the configuration file.
# Regarding sinks, you can use multiple types at the same time; the only requirement is to provide a channel for each
# one of them (this example shows how to configure 3 sink types at the same time). Even, you can define more than one
# sink of the same type and sharing the channel in order to improve the performance (this is like having
# multi-threading).
cygnusagent.sources = http-source
cygnusagent.sinks = mongo-sink
cygnusagent.channels = mongo-channel

# source configuration
# channel name where to write the notification events
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.channels = mongo-channel
# source class, must not be changed
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
# listening port the Flume source will use for receiving incoming notifications
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.port = 5050
# Flume handler that will parse the notifications, must not be changed
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.handler = com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.handlers.OrionRestHandler
# URL target
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.handler.notification_target = /notify
# Default service (service semantic depends on the persistence sink)
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.handler.default_service = def_serv
# Default service path (service path semantic depends on the persistence sink)
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.handler.default_service_path = def_servpath
# Number of channel re-injection retries before a Flume event is definitely discarded (-1 means infinite retries)
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.handler.events_ttl = 10
# Source interceptors, do not change
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.interceptors = ts gi
# Timestamp interceptor, do not change
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.interceptors.ts.type = timestamp
# Destination extractor interceptor, do not change
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.interceptors.gi.type = com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.interceptors.GroupingInterceptor$Builder
# Matching table for the destination extractor interceptor, put the right absolute path to the file if necessary
# See the doc/design/interceptors document for more details
cygnusagent.sources.http-source.interceptors.gi.grouping_rules_conf_file = /usr/cygnus/conf/grouping_rules.conf

# ============================================
# OrionMongoSink configuration
# channel name from where to read notification events
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.channel = mongo-channel
# sink class, must not be changed
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.type = com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.OrionMongoSink
# true if the grouping feature is enabled for this sink, false otherwise
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.enable_grouping = false
# the FQDN/IP address where the MySQL server runs (standalone case) or comma-separated list of FQDN/IP:port pairs where the MongoDB replica set members run
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.mongo_host =
# a valid user in the MongoDB server
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.mongo_username =
# password for the user above
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.mongo_password = 
# prefix for the MongoDB databases
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.db_prefix = hvds_
# prefix for the MongoDB collections
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.collection_prefix = hvds_
# true is collection names are based on a hash, false for human redable collections
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.should_hash = false
# specify if the sink will use a single collection for each service path, for each entity or for each attribute
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.data_model = collection-per-entity  
# how the attributes are stored, either per row either per column (row, column)
cygnusagent.sinks.mongo-sink.attr_persistence = column

# mongo-channel configuration
# channel type (must not be changed)
cygnusagent.channels.mongo-channel.type = memory
# capacity of the channel
cygnusagent.channels.mongo-channel.capacity = 1000
# amount of bytes that can be sent per transaction
cygnusagent.channels.mongo-channel.transactionCapacity = 100



(curl -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
    "entities": [
            "type": "Sensor",
            "isPattern": "false",
            "id": "sensor003"
    "attributes": [
    "reference": "http://localhost:5050/notify",
    "duration": "P1M",
    "notifyConditions": [
            "type": "ONTIMEINTERVAL",
            "condValues": [


(curl -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
    "contextElements": [
            "type": "Sensor",
            "isPattern": "false",
            "id": "sensor003",
            "attributes": [
    "updateAction": "APPEND"

得到了预期的结果,但是在访问VM B的数据库时,查看他们是否创建并保存了数据,我们看到它没有发生:

本地 0.078GB

如果我们转到 VM A 的数据库,我们可以看到谁创建了数据库:

hvds_def_serv 0.078GB
hvds_qsg 0.078GB
本地 0.078GB
猎户座 0.078GB



编辑 1


(curl -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
    "entities": [{
        "type": "Sensor",
        "isPattern": "false",
        "id": "sensor005"
    "attributes": [
    "reference": "http://localhost:5050/notify",
    "duration": "P1M",
    "notifyConditions": [{
        "type": "ONCHANGE",
        "condValues": [
    "throttling": "PT1S"


(curl -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
    "contextElements": [
            "type": "Sensor",
            "isPattern": "false",
            "id": "sensor005",
            "attributes": [
                    "value": {
                        "tiempo": [
                        "kw": [
    "updateAction": "APPEND"




编辑 2

/var/log/cygnus/cygnus.log 带调试


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