我正面临核心数据迁移的奇怪 IOS 应用程序问题。以下是您提到的日志。此问题仅在IOS8设备将应用程序从较低版本迁移到较新版本时发生。注意我已经使用模型版本轻数据迁移升级在IOS9中通过了此测试。


CoreData: error: -addPersistentStoreWithType:SQLite configuration:(null) URL:file:///xxxxx/Documents/Application.sqlite options:{
    NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption = 1;
    NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption = 1;
} ... returned error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134130 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 134130.)" UserInfo=0x171a7ca80 {URL=file:///xxxxx/Documents/Application.sqlite, metadata={
    NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 519;
    NSStoreModelVersionHashes =     {
        ChatTAble = <a131aa9a f7588fa9 598a8949 05511a36 d0bf9ea9 33c0a87e 96828261 f5de30d4>;
        OperationTable = <6a3eaabc 7ef604c6 deb9314a 309bf207 378ff20a 4be5546a 6b602826 f0d049db>;
        Contact = <db1bb713 c747ff41 d73a018c a5208828 8dcd87e8 d4d8afd8 c37f055b 3d7f7f5a>;
        Email = <35cfbcd3 d990c32c 2bd3b793 a55a6e06 5f88a3a8 d67f77e7 d4a63c17 a512cf73>;
        Table3 = <373be7dc e2ab077d f0503f49 6a9f8b78 0b5392d9 c5fc2309 e4035d2b 6fd49388>;
        Table4 = <42c77ddb da95c75b 22186c01 5407888f 41c92961 47ec4d22 e8183b35 3d002893>;
        RCTable1 = <c9dc1b34 b49b1c2b 291f32a6 f5297396 21152a09 c12cd735 15caf6bb e5aade3b>;
        TAble2 = <cd2d5199 058890f8 0dd7381f dfae070b ffab95e8 8ca28838 cb6f6127 7bde6f3c>;
        User = <88f315d2 6b34a4f4 4ce1b4ed ee2cf303 94c9a7bc 3efe7d71 7e84744b 1203d13a>;
    NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
    NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers =     (
    NSStoreType = SQLite;
    NSStoreUUID = "CDAB1111-D8D9-4021-B8B5-C8B823FBFD3F";
    "_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
}, reason=Can't find model for source store} with userInfo dictionary {
    URL = "file:///xxxx/Documents/Application.sqlite";
    metadata =     {
        NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 519;
        NSStoreModelVersionHashes =         {
            ChatTAble = <a131aa9a f7588fa9 598a8949 05511a36 d0bf9ea9 33c0a87e 96828261 f5de30d4>;
            OperationTable = <6a3eaabc 7ef604c6 deb9314a 309bf207 378ff20a 4be5546a 6b602826 f0d049db>;
            Contact = <db1bb713 c747ff41 d73a018c a5208828 8dcd87e8 d4d8afd8 c37f055b 3d7f7f5a>;
            Email = <35cfbcd3 d990c32c 2bd3b793 a55a6e06 5f88a3a8 d67f77e7 d4a63c17 a512cf73>;
            Table3 = <373be7dc e2ab077d f0503f49 6a9f8b78 0b5392d9 c5fc2309 e4035d2b 6fd49388>;
            Table4 = <42c77ddb da95c75b 22186c01 5407888f 41c92961 47ec4d22 e8183b35 3d002893>;
            RCTable1 = <c9dc1b34 b49b1c2b 291f32a6 f5297396 21152a09 c12cd735 15caf6bb e5aade3b>;
            TAble2 = <cd2d5199 058890f8 0dd7381f dfae070b ffab95e8 8ca28838 cb6f6127 7bde6f3c>;
            User = <88f315d2 6b34a4f4 4ce1b4ed ee2cf303 94c9a7bc 3efe7d71 7e84744b 1203d13a>;
        NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
        NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers =         (
        NSStoreType = SQLite;
        NSStoreUUID = "CDAB1111-D8D9-4021-B8B5-C8B823FBFD3F";
        "_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
    reason = "Can't find model for source store";
2015-12-30 13:55:11.279 Closrr_LV4[8639:2062615] CoreData: annotation: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator's current model hashes are {
    ChatTAble = <53f22878 98260327 12c33f30 8d3ef551 a1d7f284 079eb744 212a896f e13d6398>;
    OperationTable = <92a573a7 a131a638 754226be 515cd608 84d6f04a f58b8e28 6e477951 4d2a143d>;
    ChatPushConfig = <d0ecca3f 05d67a77 7a909f4f f9bae449 f6338c17 1a70991f 11cabaf3 efbb15d6>;
    Contact = <1d6da19b 5bb3ca73 480e4235 9aedb38d 4dbd80d1 402f0f00 715504b4 4a165454>;
    Table3 = <072e4c37 22cc6fcd d77c8e66 235df69a f8478d4e 9e76894c e0bffbf6 448bf321>;
    GMTable = <5cd15514 954477e9 439521cc c48044de 6e15c3f7 dfb6289e 260f8c26 4182cf78>;
    Table4 = <a949a462 e11e300c 1be32e1f 9106c5e5 a2d16ce1 93b8ed68 8c9fe18f fff9886e>;
    RCTable1 = <f526cbca 492a30ab 9af60b86 fd7d103f e9bfed46 1aa3daad ae9ea90f 37cb3cc6>;
    TAble2 = <3e371807 557217db 22e78097 0055a51c bcec2200 4a1ced2e 79c8e612 63220389>;
    User = <dbe32c0d 95fc9df5 bf457c67 906be0c5 f659e106 d52497ac eb3da3f3 b1e1fcbc>;

2 回答 2


在 iOS 8 及以下版本中,您需要在项目中显式创建架构的新版本,以便 iOS 可以比较 app bundle 中的两个架构并执行轻量级迁移。

在 iOS 9 中,Core Data 存储将当前模式与(sqlite)数据文件一起存储,这样如果/当您更改应用程序包中的模式时,它可以在磁盘上捕获的模式和应用程序包中的新架构。

这是一个快速的谷歌搜索结果,可以为您指明正确的方向…… http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2150667&seqNum=2

于 2016-05-16T22:13:03.607 回答

为了避免崩溃,我为iOS 8创建了新数据库,因为我不需要那么多现有数据。

我将 storeURL 从

NSURL *storeURL = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Project.sqlite"];

NSURL *storeURL;
if (OS_VERSION<9.0)
    storeURL = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Project1.sqlite"];
    storeURL = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Project.sqlite"];


于 2016-07-20T07:53:37.920 回答