I have Gulp tasks set up to concat, minify and fingerprint assets all at once, writing them directly to my assets folder:
(the css part)
gulp.task('styles:cssmin', function(){
return gulp.src('src/css/*.css')
.pipe(concat('main.css')) // combine them
.pipe(cssmin()) // minify them
.pipe(rev()) // Pipe through gulp-rev to fingerprint generated file
.pipe(gulp.dest('assets/css')) // write rev'd assets
merge: true // Merge because this happens for .js and images too
.pipe(gulp.dest('./')); // write manifest
This fingerprints the files and generates a manifest, but I can't get any paths to be saved to the manifest file. Here's the manifest it generates:
"bg.jpg": "bg-447ac2238b.jpg",
"logo.png": "logo-e31e139d4d.png",
"main-min.js": "main-min-cc3a682299.js",
"main.css": "main-ea0d06582f.css",
"main.js": "main-35ec0bb3c8.js"
Which I would like to have as:
"assets/img/bg.jpg": "assets/img/bg-447ac2238b.jpg",
"assets/img/logo.png": "assets/img/logo-e31e139d4d.png",
"assets/js/main-min.js": "assets/js/main-min-cc3a682299.js",
"assets/css/main.css": "assets/css/main-ea0d06582f.css",
"assets/jsg/main.js": "assets/js/main-35ec0bb3c8.js"
Especially considering the docs give an example which includes the relative paths