我正在使用 mCustomScrollbar 并且我正在尝试在滚动的顶部和底部动态加载内容(当然,不是同时)。
mouseWheel: {
scrollAmount: 500,
preventDefault: true
callbacks: {
advanced: {
updateOnContentResize: true
onScroll: function() {
// this.mcs.topPct contains the current scroll position (when scroll animation is completed.
// it can be between 0-100, where 100 is bottom and 0 is top
// my scroll starts on the bottom, and when this.mcs.topPct is 0
// I load dynamic content and place it on the very top of all content
// this causes the scroll to display this content immediately,
// and I would like the user to manually scroll up to see the added content.