你在 OCaml 中有一个二叉树。每个节点都有一个 int、左孩子、右孩子和对节点的引用。
type tree = Node of tree * int * tree * tree ref | Leaf;;
编写程序left_leaves : tree -> unit
/ \
5 30
/ \
4 10
/ /
2 6
25 -> Node(Leaf, 2, Leaf, Leaf)
5 -> Node(Leaf, 2, Leaf, Leaf)
4 -> Node(Leaf, 2, Leaf, Leaf)
2 -> Leaf
10 -> Node(Leaf, 6, Leaf, Leaf)
6 -> Leaf
30 -> Leaf
如何在 Ocaml 中编写此程序?我在考虑递归。我们应该从树的底部开始。首先,我们应该更改对 Leaf 的引用。然后在下一步中,我们应该更改对左节点的引用,然后递归地将节点中的每个引用更改为其左子节点的引用。我为测试目的添加了构建 BST 树的过程:
let rec add x tree =
match tree with
|Node (l, k, r, wsk) ->
if x <= k then
Node (add x l, k, r, wsk)
Node(l, k, add x r, wsk)
|Leaf -> Node (Leaf, x, Leaf, ref Leaf)
let a = Node (Leaf, 25, Leaf, ref Leaf);;
let a = add 5 a;;
let a = add 10 a;;
let a = add 4 a;;
let a = add 2 a;;
let a = add 10 a;;
let a = add 30 a;;
let a = add 26 a;;
let rec left_leaves tree =
match tree with
|Node (l, k, r, wsk) ->
(match l with
|Node (ll, lk, lr, lwsk) ->
left_leaves l; if ll = Leaf then wsk := l else wsk := !lwsk; left_leaves r;
|Leaf -> wsk := Leaf
|Leaf -> ();;