I want to create tag in subversion. On the command line I have tried the following:

svn copy http://myserver.mycompany.com:8080/svn/SVN_Main/trunk http://myserver.mycompany.com:8080/svn/SVN_Main/tag/Build- -m "Build tag"

I get this error:

svn: Path 'http://myserver.mycompany.com:8080/svn/SVN_Main/trunk' does not exist for revision 1234

The path http://myserver.mycompany.com:8080/svn/SVN_Main/trunk is exact same path that I have when I use the repro-browser on that folder. Any ideas on what may be causing this problem? I have also tried it w/wo username/password.


2 回答 2


What happens if you just do the copy from within the repository browser (right click on the folder, then copy)

Could it also be a case-sensitivity issue? We run our svn server under Apache on Windows and find that reads are general case-insensitive, but write operations are case sensitive.

This is a real pain if a developer checks out /trunk/somefolder when the name is really /trunk/SomeFolder. They will get an error only when trying to commit.

于 2008-12-05T16:00:30.470 回答

Either that isn't the right path, or you've put a -r option in there that you didn't show. Try a svn ls on that path to confirm it is correct. If you passed -r, make sure you've used the right revision.

于 2008-12-05T16:06:40.707 回答