Are there any patterns or practices for monitoring log4net exception logs across a cluster of web servers. I have considered several options including the following:

  • A central database
  • A log file retrieval system
  • A service based loggin architecture

Thanks, Richard


2 回答 2


Message Queuing is a great solution. It works great in a distributed enviroment where one machine or multiple can be popping log messages of the queue and persisting them somewhere (Central logging database or rolling flat files...). And if at any time a machine creating messages or popping go offline they can continue logging messages and continue as normal when they are back online.

于 2010-08-09T16:33:30.773 回答

Your could configure log4net to trace into the event log of each machine and use a hypervisor software such as SCOM to monitor each node.

于 2010-08-09T16:27:31.910 回答