因此,我认为我有一个解决方案,可以在拥有具体类时获取 PropertyInfo,并为由具体类实现的接口获取 PropertyInfo。这是代码:
public static PropertyInfo GetImplementingProperty(Type concreteType, PropertyInfo interfaceProperty)
// do some region parameter check, skipped
var interfaceType = interfaceProperty.DeclaringType;
//use the set method if we have a write only property
var getCorrectMethod = interfaceProperty.GetGetMethod() == null
? (Func<PropertyInfo, MethodInfo>) (p => p.GetSetMethod(true))
: p => p.GetGetMethod(true);
var propertyMethod = getCorrectMethod(interfaceProperty);
var mapping = concreteType.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType);
MethodInfo targetMethod = null;
for (var i = 0; i < mapping.InterfaceMethods.Length; i++)
if (mapping.InterfaceMethods[i] == propertyMethod)
targetMethod = mapping.TargetMethods[i];
foreach (var property in concreteType.GetProperties(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetProperty |
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) // include non-public!
if (targetMethod == getCorrectMethod(property)) // include non-public!
return property;
throw new InvalidOperationException("The property {0} defined on the interface {1} has not been found on the class {2}. That should never happen."
.FormatText(interfaceProperty.Name, interfaceProperty.DeclaringType.FullName, concreteType.FullName));
不幸的是,我发现了一个失败的案例,我不确定如何解决这个问题。所以我在一个 dll 中有一个类:
public abstract class BaseClass
public Guid ConfigId { get; set; }
public virtual Guid ConfigId2 { get; set; }
interface INamed
Guid ConfigId { get; }
Guid ConfigId2 { get; }
private class SuperClass : BaseClass, INamed
ReflectionHelper.GetImplementingProperty(typeof(SuperClass), typeof(INamed).GetProperty("ConfigId2")); // this works
ReflectionHelper.GetImplementingProperty(typeof(SuperClass), typeof(INamed).GetProperty("ConfigId")); // this fails
知道如何将 ConfigId 属性与基类属性定义匹配吗?