嗨,我已经在使用另一个问题的代码 - 在周末的情况下,它会在结束日增加两天
function add_business_days($startdate,$buisnessdays,$holidays,$dateformat){
$dayx = strtotime($startdate);
while($i < $buisnessdays){
$day = date('N',$dayx);
$datex = date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
if($day < 6 && !in_array($datex,$holidays))$i++;
$dayx = strtotime($datex.' +1 day');
return date($dateformat,$dayx);
此函数构成 json 输出的一部分,该输出显示在 jquery 日历中 - 它获取 startdate 和 enddate 并呈现它。
x = date('w');
if (x != 6) {
while (x != 6) {
//start adding days to start date
} else {
//create new enddate = current iteration of dates currentdate;
//then new start (add two days to it to get to monday) currentdate + 2 = newstartdate
//redo above till you get to original end date