我在我的 android 应用程序中使用 zxing 来读取 QR_CODE 和条形码。我的应用程序无法使用 zxing 读取 CODE_39。我在 CaptureActivity OnResume 方法中使用以下代码:
Intent intent = getIntent();
String action = intent == null ? null : intent.getAction();
String dataString = intent == null ? null : intent.getDataString();
if (intent != null && action != null) {
if (action.equals(Intents.Scan.ACTION)) {
//Scan the formats the intent requested, and return the
//to the calling activity.
source = Source.NATIVE_APP_INTENT;
decodeFormats = DecodeFormatManager.parseDecodeFormats(intent);
} else if (dataString != null
&& dataString.contains(PRODUCT_SEARCH_URL_PREFIX)
&& dataString.contains(PRODUCT_SEARCH_URL_SUFFIX)) {
// Scan only products and send the result to mobile Product
// Search.
source = Source.PRODUCT_SEARCH_LINK;
sourceUrl = dataString;
decodeFormats = DecodeFormatManager.PRODUCT_FORMATS;
} else if (dataString != null
&& dataString.startsWith(ZXING_URL)) {
// Scan formats requested in query string (all formats if
// none
// specified).
// If a return URL is specified, send the results there.
// Otherwise, handle it ourselves.
source = Source.ZXING_LINK;
sourceUrl = dataString;
Uri inputUri = Uri.parse(sourceUrl);
returnUrlTemplate = inputUri
decodeFormats = DecodeFormatManager
} else {
// Scan all formats and handle the results ourselves
// (launched
// from Home).
source = Source.NONE;
decodeFormats = null;
characterSet = intent