我面临运行时错误 9:以下代码的下标超出范围,但最初运行良好。但是后来当我协作所有模块来创建加载项时,它显示错误。

Sub SelectSimilarshapes()

  Dim sh As Shape
  Dim shapeCollection() As String
  Set sh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
  ReDim Preserve shapeCollection(0)
  shapeCollection(0) = sh.Name
  Dim otherShape As Shape
  Dim iShape As Integer
  iShape = 1
  For Each otherShape In ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes
    If otherShape.Type = sh.Type _
    And otherShape.AutoShapeType = sh.AutoShapeType _
    And otherShape.Type <> msoPlaceholder Then
    If (otherShape.Name <> sh.Name) Then
      ReDim Preserve shapeCollection(1 + iShape)
      shapeCollection(iShape) = otherShape.Name
      iShape = iShape + 1
    End If
    End If

  Next otherShape

  Select Case iShape
    Case 1
      MsgBox "Sorry, no shapes matching your search criteria were found"

    Case Else
      MsgBox "Shapes matching your search criteria were found and are selected"
  End Select
Exit Sub

     MsgBox "You haven't selected any object"
     Resume NormalExit:
End Sub

1 回答 1



ReDim Preserve shapeCollection(0 To 0)


ReDim Preserve shapeCollection(0)

在其他语言中,数组通常从 0 开始索引,也不例外。

在 VBA 中,数组可以从任何值索引,即

Dim array(5 To 10) As String

如果您跳过较低的索引,它将具有默认值。内置默认值为 0,但可以通过以下语句将其更改为 1:

Option Base 1

放置在模块的顶部。如果模块中有这样的语句,则所有未声明下索引的数组从 1 开始索引。

好的做法是始终指定数组的两个索引,因为您永远不知道您的子/函数是否会移动到另一个模块。即使你的数组​​是从 0 开始索引的,这个新模块也可以有Option Base 1,并且突然你的数组是从 1 开始索引而不是 0。



Sub SelectSimilarshapes()
    Dim sh As Shape
    Dim shapeCollection() As String
    Dim otherShape As Shape
    Dim iShape As Integer

    Set sh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
    ReDim Preserve shapeCollection(0 To 0)
    shapeCollection(0) = sh.Name
    iShape = 1

    For Each otherShape In ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes
        If otherShape.Type = sh.Type _
            And otherShape.AutoShapeType = sh.AutoShapeType _
            And otherShape.Type <> msoPlaceholder Then

            If (otherShape.Name <> sh.Name) Then
                ReDim Preserve shapeCollection(0 To 1 + iShape)
                shapeCollection(iShape) = otherShape.Name
                iShape = iShape + 1
            End If

        End If
    Next otherShape

    Select Case iShape
        Case 1
            MsgBox "Sorry, no shapes matching your search criteria were found"
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Shapes matching your search criteria were found and are selected"
    End Select

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "You haven't selected any object"
    Resume NormalExit:
End Sub
于 2015-12-21T11:13:43.663 回答