我已经为 IPv4“做了”这个;

$ip = ''; // example
$ip = explode('.',$ip);
if( count($ip) != 4 ) $ip = array(0,0,0,0); // wrong ip format, default to
return chr($ip[0]) . chr($ip[1]) . chr($ip[2]) . chr($ip[3]);

我也需要对 IPv6 执行上述操作。通读 IPv6 规范(我承认我没有阅读全部内容),我看到了一些奇怪的东西(“例外”),例如一组 0 可以压缩为双冒号:“:0000:0000”=> “::”(如果我的理解是正确的)。我还看到了如何在 IPv6 字符串中包含 IPv4 样式的字符串:0:0:0:0:0:0:


感谢 Alvaro,现在我有了inet_pton 的纯 PHP 实现:

 * @copyright   2004-2007 Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>, Arpad Ray <arpad@php.net>
 * @link        http://php.net/inet_pton
 * @author      Arpad Ray <arpad@php.net>
function php_compat_inet_pton($address) {
    $r = ip2long($address);
    if ($r !== false && $r != -1) return pack('N', $r);
    $delim_count = substr_count($address, ':');
    if ($delim_count < 1 || $delim_count > 7) return false;
    $r = explode(':', $address);
    $rcount = count($r);
    if (($doub = array_search('', $r, 1)) !== false) {
        $length = (!$doub || $doub == $rcount - 1 ? 2 : 1);
        array_splice($r, $doub, $length, array_fill(0, 8 + $length - $rcount, 0));
    $r = array_map('hexdec', $r);
    array_unshift($r, 'n*');
    $r = call_user_func_array('pack', $r);
    return $r;

问题是,我不太明白它在做什么。问题是,我不能使用这样的功能,因为(一方面)我知道它以与我正在做的(或想要的)不同的格式打包 IP。


2 回答 2



编辑:在PHP_Compat包中有一个纯 PHP 的 inet_pton 实现。


我已经为您评论了该功能。请注意,我对 IPv6 地址格式一无所知,因此我可以大致告诉您的作用,但不知道为什么


 * @copyright   2004-2007 Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>, Arpad Ray <arpad@php.net>
 * @link        http://php.net/inet_pton
 * @author      Arpad Ray <arpad@php.net>
function php_compat_inet_pton($address) {
    // Convert to IPv4 (numeric representation)
    $r = ip2long($address);

    // ip2long() will return FALSE if it's an invalid IPv4 address (or -1 if PHP earlier than 5.0.0)
    if ($r !== false && $r != -1)
        // if it didn't, then it *is* a valid IPv4 address
        // We pack the number as unsigned long (always 32 bit, big endian byte order) and we're done
        return pack('N', $r);

    // Count the number of delimiters (:)
    $delim_count = substr_count($address, ':');

    // If none or more than 7, the address is not valid
    if ($delim_count < 1 || $delim_count > 7) return false;

    // Create an array with the delimited substrings
    $r = explode(':', $address);

    // Count the number of items
    $rcount = count($r);

    // If we have empty items, fetch the position of the first one
    if (($doub = array_search('', $r, 1)) !== false) {

        // We fill a $length variable with this rule:
        // - If it's the first or last item ---> 2
        // - Otherwhise                     ---> 1
        $length = (!$doub || $doub == $rcount - 1 ? 2 : 1);

        // Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else

            // We skip items before the empty one

            // We remove one or two items

            // We replace each removed value with zeros
            array_fill(0, 8 + $length - $rcount, 0)


    // We convert each item from hexadecimal to decimal
    $r = array_map('hexdec', $r);

    // We add 'n*' at the beginning of the array (just a trick to use pack on all the items)
    array_unshift($r, 'n*');

    // We pack all the items as unsigned shorts (always 16 bit, big endian byte order)
    $r = call_user_func_array('pack', $r);

    // Return the resulting string
    return $r;
于 2010-08-09T07:59:59.590 回答

我将使用下面的 URL 来编写我需要的函数:




class Connect {
     * Returns the IP in it's fullest format.
     * @example
     *          ::1              => 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
     *          220F::  => 220F:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7F00:0001
     *          2F:A1::1         => 002F:00A1:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
     * @param string $ip Original/compressed/packed IPv6.
     * @return string Full IP.
    protected static function fixIpv6($ip){
        // fix double colon
        // fix each slot
        foreach($ip as $k=>$v){
            // fix empty/compressed slots
            // fix ipv4-style slot
                // initially empty buffer
                // replace each number(byte) with a two-digit hex representation
                foreach(explode('.',$v) as $v2){
                // add colon in between two pairs(bytes) (FFFFFFFF=>FFFF:FFFF)
        return strtoupper(implode(':',$ip));
     * Compresses an IP to it's binary representation.
     * @param string $ip A well-formatted full IPv4 or IPv6 address.
     * @return string Binary representation of address.
    public static function compressIp($ip){
        if(strpos($ip,':')!==false){ // ipv6
        foreach($ip as $k=>$v)$ip[$k]=chr(hexdec($v));
        return implode('',$ip);
        }elseif(strpos($ip,'.')!==false){ // ipv4
            return chr($ip[0]).chr($ip[1]).chr($ip[2]).chr($ip[3]);
        }else throw new Exception('Unrecognized IP format: '.MB_SECURITY::snohtml($ip));
于 2010-08-09T14:11:42.500 回答