class Complex {
//data values
private double real;
private double imag;
public Complex () {
real = 0;
imag = 0;
public Complex (double realInput) {
real = realInput;
imag = 0;
public Complex (double realInput, double imagInput) {
real = realInput;
imag = imagInput;
public double getReal () {
return real;
public double getImag () {
return imag;
public void setReal (double inputReal) {
real = inputReal;
public void setImag (double inputImag) {
imag = inputImag;
//toString method
public String toString() {
return real + " + " + imag + "i";
//instance methods
//addition methods
public Complex add (double realInput) {
real = real + realInput;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
public Complex add (Complex complex) {
double firstReal = complex.getReal();
double firstImag = complex.getImag();
double secondReal = this.getReal();
double secondImag = this.getImag();
real = firstReal + secondReal;
imag = firstImag + secondImag;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
//subtraction methods
public Complex subtract (double realInput) {
real = real - realInput;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
public Complex subtract (Complex complex) {
double newReal = complex.getReal();
double newImag = complex.getImag();
real = this.getReal() - newReal;
imag = this.getImag() - newImag;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
//multiplication methods
public Complex multiply (double realInput) {
real = real * realInput;
imag = imag * realInput;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
//****problem code****
public Complex multiply (Complex complex) {
double newReal = complex.getReal();
double newImag = complex.getImag();
real = ((real * newReal) - (imag * newImag));
imag = ((real * newImag) + (imag * newReal));
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
//division methods
public Complex divide (double realInput) {
real = real / realInput;
imag = imag / realInput;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
//****problem code****
public Complex divide (Complex complex) {
double newReal = complex.getReal();
double newImag = complex.getImag();
real = this.getReal();
imag = this.getImag();
double newRealNumerator = (real * newReal) + (imag * newImag);
double newRealDenominator = (Math.pow(newReal, 2) + Math.pow(newImag, 2));
real = newRealNumerator / newRealDenominator;
double newImagNumerator = (imag * newReal) - (real * newImag);
double newImagDenominator = newRealDenominator;
imag = newImagNumerator / newImagDenominator;
Complex newComplex = new Complex(real, imag);
return newComplex;
//equals method
public boolean equals (Complex complex) {
double firstReal = complex.getReal();
double firstImag = complex.getImag();
double secondReal = this.getReal();
double secondImag = this.getImag();
boolean testEquals = false;
if (firstReal == secondReal && firstImag == secondImag) {
testEquals = true;
return testEquals;
}//end class
class ComplexTester {
public static void main(String[] args ) {
//declaring Complex objects
Complex one = new Complex ();
Complex two = new Complex (3);
Complex three = new Complex (1, 4);
Complex four = new Complex (2, 3);
//testing addition methods
System.out.println("Testing addition methods...");
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") + (" + 3.0 + ") = " + three.add(3.0));
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") + (" + four.toString() + ") = " + three.add(four));
//testing subtraction methods
System.out.println("Testing subtraction methods...");
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") - (" + 3.0 + ") = " + three.subtract(3.0));
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") - (" + four.toString() + ") = " + three.subtract(four));
//testing multiplication methods
System.out.println("Testing multiplication methods...");
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") * (" + 3.0 + ") = " + three.multiply(3.0));
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") * (" + four.toString() + ") = " + three.multiply(four));
//testing division method
System.out.println("Testing division methods...");
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") / (" + 3.0 + ") = " + three.divide(3.0));
Complex testDiv = new Complex(3, -1);
System.out.println("(" + three.toString() + ") / (" + testDiv.toString() + ") = " + three.divide(testDiv));
//testing equals method
System.out.println("Testing equals method...");
if (three.equals(four) == true) {
System.out.println(three.toString() + " is equal to " + four.toString());
else {
System.out.println(three.toString() + " is not equal to " + four.toString());
Complex testEquals = new Complex(2, 3);
if (four.equals(testEquals) == true) {
System.out.println(four.toString() + " is equal to " + testEquals.toString());
else {
System.out.println(four.toString() + " is not equal to " + testEquals.toString());
}// end main method
}// end class
我的第一个问题是,如果我在三个对象上调用我的 add 方法 [例如 three.add(four) ],它会将三个对象完全更改为三个对象的答案。add(four)。我为解决这个问题所做的(我假设这是糟糕的编程)是调用 set 方法将三个对象分配回我需要的对象。
我的第二个问题是乘法和除法方法(我在上面用“****问题代码****”评论过)没有报告正确的复数。乘法问题代码应在测试器中显示 (-10.0 + 11.0i),但在运行时显示 (-10.0 + -22.0i)。除法问题代码应显示 (1.0 + 1.0i) 但在运行时显示 (1.0 + 0.7i)。
将一个复数乘以另一个复数,公式为: (A + Bi) 乘以 (C + Di) = (AC - BD) + (AD + BC)i
将一个复数除以另一个复数,公式为: (A + Bi) 除以 (C + Di) = (AC+BD)/(C2 + D2) + (BC-AD)/(C2 + D2)i
我从列出的公式(A、B、C、D)和我自己命名的变量的字母转换的关键是:A = real、B = imag、C = newReal 和 D = newImag