I have a java-spring-hibernate web application which call a my sql stored procedure which call user specific "event" information.
Requirement is to write the result set into a text file and send it to one ftp server .I have an allocated space of 4gb as heap size.I cant allocate more heap size than this. But heap size issue is coming when stored proc return large result set and processing it from server side
Current code :
1:Stored proc return large result set( say some million row)
2:mapping it to a list
3:write each row into a text file .For a single user write only 3 events .If he has more than 3 events ignore it(Please notice I am getting email based sorted result set from mysql). This process I need to do in server side
4:heap size issue came when result set size is large
Pseudo code:
Stored proc
delete temp table if exist
get public event into temp1 table based on condition
get non public event into temp2 table
create new temp tabletemp 3 by joining temp1 and temp2 and join with user table with some condition and sort it
return select * from temp3 sorted based on email
Even after setting all required index it will take normally 20 minutes to finish Server side code
1:Create File writer object
2:call stored proc
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("CALL procName(param)");
list = query.getResultList();
for (final Object[] objects : evntList) {
final EvntDTO dto = new ExactTargetDailyMailDTO(
if dto.getEvntNAme() matches some condition(){
//change event name and other params accordingly
for (int i = 0; i < eventList.size(); i++) {
Dto dto = eventList.get(i);
fileContent=dto.getEmail()+appendmore user info +dto.getEventInfo();
while (i + 1 < eventList.size()
&& dto.getEmail().equalsIgnoreCase(remindersList.get(i + 1).getEmail())) {
if (count < 3) {
fileContent=fileContent+add next EventInfo
Can anyone suggest me a better plan to do this?
Since I want to do some more operation in this list(like If he has more than 3 events ignore it),I cant think of taking 1000 or 100 000 data at a time and write it into file and repeat the process
Can anyone suggest me a better way to architect and do it?