我在嵌套函数中与whenmatch.fun一起使用时遇到问题。为了说明,我构建了一个包含两个函数的快速玩具示例 R 包。后者简单地调用前者:test_thatmatch.fun

i_dont_throw_error <- function(function_name)

i_throw_error <- function(function_name)


test_that("Testing for an error with match.fun one level deep.",{
  print_function <- function(x)

  expect_equal(i_dont_throw_error("print_function"), "hello")

test_that("Testing for an error with match.fun two levels deep.",{
  print_function <- function(x)

  expect_equal(i_throw_error("print_function"), "hello")


==> devtools::test()

Loading testthatTest
Loading required package: testthat
Testing testthatTest
[1] "hello"
1. Error: Testing for an error with match.fun two levels deep. -----------------
object 'print_function' of mode 'function' was not found
1: withCallingHandlers(eval(code, new_test_environment), error = capture_calls, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage"))
2: eval(code, new_test_environment)
3: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
4: expect_equal(i_throw_error("print_function"), "hello") at test_test_me.R:12
5: expect_that(object, equals(expected, label = expected.label, ...), info = info, label = label)
6: condition(object)
7: compare(actual, expected, ...)
8: i_throw_error("print_function")
9: i_dont_throw_error(function_name) at C:\Users\jowhitne\Desktop\eraseMe\testthatTest/R/test_func.R:4
10: match.fun(function_name) at C:\Users\jowhitne\Desktop\eraseMe\testthatTest/R/test_func.R:1
11: get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir)


> print_function <- function(x)
+     print(x)
> i_throw_error("print_function") 
[1] "hello"



1 回答 1







我根据您的功能创建了一个新包test.package可在此处获得,它会复制您的错误。我怀疑这是一个环境问题,因为过去我也遇到过类似的错误,我不得不仔细考虑get()parent.frame()等等。请参阅Hadley 的Advanced Rparent.env()中的环境介绍。


print_envir = function(x, prefix = "", recursive = F, list_objects = T, max_objects = 10, use_names = T, no_attr = T, skip_beyond_global = T) {
  # browser()
  #use names
  if (use_names) {
    env_name_attr = attr(x, "name")
    if (is.null(env_name_attr)) {
      env_name_attr = ""
    } else {
      env_name_attr = sprintf(" (%s)", env_name_attr)
  } else {
    env_name_attr = ""

  #strip attributes?
  if (no_attr) {
    attributes(x) = NULL

  #get name
  env_name = {capture.output(print(x))}

  #get parent env name
  # parent_env_name = {capture.output(print(parent.env(x)))}

  if (list_objects) {
    env_objects = names(x)

    env_objects = na.omit(env_objects[1:max_objects])

    #explicit none
    if (length(env_objects) == 0) {
      env_objects = "(none)"
  } else {
    env_objects = "(not requested)"

  #issue print as warning so they come thru testthat console
  warning(sprintf("%senvironment `%s`%s with objects: %s",
                  str_c(env_objects, collapse = ", ")
                  ), call. = F)

  if (recursive) {
    #stop when parent is empty envir
    if (!identical(parent.env(x), emptyenv())) {
      #skip on top of global?
      if (!identical(x, globalenv())) {
        print_envir(parent.env(x), recursive = T, list_objects = list_objects, max_objects = max_objects, use_names = use_names, prefix = prefix, no_attr = no_attr)




inner_func1 = function(function_name) {
  #print envirs
  print_envir(environment(), "current ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(parent.frame(), "parent.frame ", recursive = T)


outer_func1 = function(function_name) {
  #print envirs
  print_envir(environment(), "current ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(parent.frame(), "parent.frame ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(environment(inner_func1), "defining/enclosing ", recursive = T)

  #failing call

因此,当您评估它时,它现在会打印(作为警告)2/3 环境及其父项。控制台输出如下所示outer_v1

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
current environment `<environment: 0x397a2a8>` with objects: function_name

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
current environment `<environment: namespace:test.package>` with objects: print_envir, .__DEVTOOLS__, inner_func1, .packageName, inner_func2, inner_func3, outer_func1, outer_func2, outer_func3, .__NAMESPACE__.

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
current environment `<environment: 0x23aa1a0>` with objects: library.dynam.unload, system.file

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
current environment `<environment: namespace:base>` with objects: Sys.Date, c.warnings, as.expression.default, as.POSIXlt.factor, [.hexmode, unique.warnings, dimnames<-, regexpr, !, parse

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
current environment `<environment: R_GlobalEnv>` with objects: .Random.seed

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x313b150>` with objects: (none)

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x3d25070>` with objects: print_function

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x3cff218>` with objects: (none)

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x370c908>` with objects: (none)

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: namespace:test.package>` with objects: print_envir, .__DEVTOOLS__, inner_func1, .packageName, inner_func2, inner_func3, outer_func1, outer_func2, outer_func3, .__NAMESPACE__.

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x23aa1a0>` with objects: library.dynam.unload, system.file

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: namespace:base>` with objects: Sys.Date, c.warnings, as.expression.default, as.POSIXlt.factor, [.hexmode, unique.warnings, dimnames<-, regexpr, !, parse

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
parent.frame environment `<environment: R_GlobalEnv>` with objects: .Random.seed

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
defining/enclosing environment `<environment: namespace:test.package>` with objects: print_envir, .__DEVTOOLS__, inner_func1, .packageName, inner_func2, inner_func3, outer_func1, outer_func2, outer_func3, .__NAMESPACE__.

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
defining/enclosing environment `<environment: 0x23aa1a0>` with objects: library.dynam.unload, system.file

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
defining/enclosing environment `<environment: namespace:base>` with objects: Sys.Date, c.warnings, as.expression.default, as.POSIXlt.factor, [.hexmode, unique.warnings, dimnames<-, regexpr, !, parse

test_functions.R:13: warning: outer_v1
defining/enclosing environment `<environment: R_GlobalEnv>` with objects: .Random.seed

(skipped because these are from inner_v1)

test_functions.R:13: error: outer_v1
object 'print_function' of mode 'function' was not found
1: expect_equal(outer_func1("print_function"), "hello") at /4tb/GP/code/test.package/tests/testthat/test_functions.R:13
2: quasi_label(enquo(object), label)
3: eval_bare(get_expr(quo), get_env(quo))
4: outer_func1("print_function")
5: inner_func1(function_name) at /code/test.package/R/functions.R:62
6: match.fun(function_name) at /code/test.package/R/functions.R:7
7: get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir)

这很长,但分为 4 个部分:3 个与环境的递归打印有关的部分,以及最后发生的错误。环境使用函数定义中的前缀进行标记,因此很容易看到发生了什么。例如current environment是当前(函数调用内部)环境。


  1. 当前:(0x397a2a8功能环境) > namespace:test.package> 0x23aa1a0> namespace:base> R_GlobalEnv. 这些都没有我们想要的对象,即print_function
  2. parent.frame:(0x3d25070一个空的环境,不知道为什么会在那里)> 0x3d25070(有我们的对象!)> (0x3cff218另一个空的环境)>(另一个0x370c908)>>>> 。namespace:test.package0x23aa1a0namespace:baseR_GlobalEnv
  3. 定义/封闭:namespace:test.package> 0x23aa1a0> namespace:base> R_GlobalEnv

定义/封闭路径和父框架重叠,前者是后者的子集。事实证明,我们的对象在 parent.frame 中,但增加了 2 个步骤。因此,我们可以在这种情况下使用 获取函数get(function_name, envir = parent.frame(n = 2))。因此,第二次迭代是:

inner_func2 = function(function_name) {
  #print envirs
  print_envir(environment(), "current ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(parent.frame(), "parent.frame ", recursive = T)

  #try to get object in current envir
  #if it isnt there, try parent.frame
  if (exists(function_name)) {
    warning(sprintf("%s exists", function_name))
    func = get(function_name)
  } else {
    warning(sprintf("%s does not exist", function_name))
    func = get(function_name, envir = parent.frame(n = 2))


outer_func2 = function(function_name) {
  #print envirs
  print_envir(environment(), "current ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(parent.frame(), "parent.frame ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(environment(inner_func2), "defining/enclosing ", recursive = T)


这仍然可以交互工作,因为我们添加了一个 if 子句,它首先尝试以正常方式找到它,然后如果没有,则尝试该parent.frame(n = 2)方式。


test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x41f0d78>` with objects: (none)

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x478aa60>` with objects: print_function

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x47546d0>` with objects: (none)

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x4152c20>` with objects: (none)

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: namespace:test.package>` with objects: print_envir, .__DEVTOOLS__, inner_func1, .packageName, inner_func2, inner_func3, outer_func1, outer_func2, outer_func3, .__NAMESPACE__.

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: 0x2df41a0>` with objects: library.dynam.unload, system.file

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: namespace:base>` with objects: Sys.Date, c.warnings, as.expression.default, as.POSIXlt.factor, [.hexmode, unique.warnings, dimnames<-, regexpr, !, parse

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
parent.frame environment `<environment: R_GlobalEnv>` with objects: .Random.seed

test_functions.R:20: warning: inner_v2
print_function does not exist

test_functions.R:20: error: inner_v2
object 'print_function' not found
1: expect_equal(inner_func2("print_function"), "hello") at /code/test.package/tests/testthat/test_functions.R:20
2: quasi_label(enquo(object), label)
3: eval_bare(get_expr(quo), get_env(quo))
4: inner_func2("print_function")
5: get(function_name, envir = parent.frame(n = 2)) at /code/test.package/R/functions.R:23

所以我们的对象是两个步骤,但我们仍然错过它。如何?好吧,我们parent.frame(n = 2)从与以前不同的地方调用它,这改变了一些东西。如果我们用它替换它parent.frame(n = 1)再次工作。



inner_func3 = function(function_name) {
  #print envirs
  print_envir(environment(), "current ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(parent.frame(), "parent.frame ", recursive = T)

  #try to get object in current envir
  #if it isnt there, try parent.frame
  if (exists(function_name)) {
    warning(sprintf("%s exists", function_name))
    func = get(function_name)
  } else {
    warning(sprintf("%s does not exist", function_name))
    func = dynGet(function_name)


outer_func3 = function(function_name) {
  #print envirs
  print_envir(environment(), "current ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(parent.frame(), "parent.frame ", recursive = T)
  print_envir(environment(inner_func3), "defining/enclosing ", recursive = T)



于 2018-02-15T19:34:43.910 回答