我有一个多模块项目,其中一个模块应该从其他模块工件中创建一个 EAR。为了让事情变得更有趣,必须将其他 4 个工件着色为 2 个工件:

|-- ear module
|-- ejb1
|-- ejb2
|-- web1
|-- web2

它创建的是一个包含 ejb2-shaded、web2-shaded 和 ej1、web1 的 EAR(它们包含在阴影版本中!)。奇怪的是,如果我在每个模块中手动运行 maven,最后在 ear-module 中运行,我得到了我想要的。

我想不通的是,超级 pom 是如何将这些工件偷偷带入 EAR 的。事件maven package -X仅在 ear cration 步骤中列出正确的工件:

[DEBUG] Resolving artifact type mappings ...
[DEBUG] Initializing JBoss configuration if necessary ...
[DEBUG] Initializing ear execution context
[DEBUG] Resolving ear modules ...
[DEBUG] Resolving ear module[ejb:com.mycomp:ejb2]
[DEBUG] Resolving ear module[war:com.mycomp:web2]
[DEBUG] Resolving ear module[jar:org.jboss.seam:jboss-seam]
[INFO] Generating application.xml

一些简化的 pom,从 super-pom 开始:




    <!-- Little "trick" to avoid listing all shared deps from WAR. To use skinyWar, 
            deps to be shared via EAR/lib must be explicitly listed here. Including the 
            POM let's maven deal with this -->

            <!-- Tell Maven we are using Java EE 6 -->
            <!-- See maven docs; Necessary because we CAN'T have 2 jboss-seam.jars 
                in the same EAR -->










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