谁能帮我将 C# .NET 程序转换为 PowerShell cmdlet?我对这个领域很陌生。请帮助我离开这个检查站!
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "Double")]
public class GetDouble : Cmdlet
public int SomeInput { get; set; }
protected override void ProcessRecord()
WriteObject(SomeInput * 2);
public class MySnapin : PSSnapIn
public override string Name { get { return "MyCommandlets"; } }
public override string Vendor { get { return "MyCompany"; } }
public override string Description { get { return "Does unnecessary aritmetic."; } }
Installutil /i myassembly.dll
Add-PsSnapin MyCommandlets
There's an add-on for Reflector to do that. Here's a good article with the example: http://msmvps.com/blogs/paulomorgado/archive/2009/09/18/powershell-for-the-net-developer.aspx*
.NET Reflector has an array of add-ons on CodePlex, and one of these is the PowerShell add-on that allows you to disassemble code directly into PowerShell.
In this example, I am opening the method ChangeAccountPassword from the SPUtility library in SharePoint:
I can now change targets from C# to PowerShell.
When you need to convert helper methods from C# to PowerShell or if you’re new to PowerShell syntax, this tool is really helpful!
[*] The link is dead as of 10/12/2015.
首先,您应该使用 PowerShell 模板将 .cs 文件转换为 DLL。然后通过使用pssnapin
您可以将其转换为 DLL。