#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int score;
string name, sco;
cout<<"Hello! I am Mrs. Marian! I am the administratress of this humble website!"<<'\n';
cout<<"This website is kindly brought to you by our Prime Minister Candry Veneroth."<<'\n';
cout<<"This is the 'National School Grading System', or the NSGS, to help you see if your student fails or not."<<'\n';
cout<<"The first thing you have to do is type the student's name: "<<'\n';
cout<<"Great! Now please enter "<<name<<"'s correct answers in the National Education Test: ";
cout<<"The NET (National Education Test) has a total score of 180 with 150 questions with each question having a score of 1.2"<<'\n';
cout<<"Loading data"<<'\n';
if (score*1.2<90, score*1.2>=0)
cout<<"The student "<<name<<" has NOT PASSED, with a score of "<<score*1.2<<". I am sorry, and hope the best for next time.";
else if (score*1.2<180, score*1.2>=90)
cout<<"CONGRATULATIONS!"<<'\n'<<"The student "<<name<<" has PASSED, with a score of "<<score*1.2<<". Once again, congratulations!";
else if (score*1.2==180)
cout<<"CONGRATULATIONS!!!"<<'\n'<<"The student "<<name<<" has PASSED with a perfect score of "<<score*1.2<<". You will have a bright future ahead of you, "<<name<<". And I hope you for a bright future";
else if (score*1.2>180, score*1.2<0)
cout<<"This is invalid, and entering an invalid score in the NSGS is considered an act of malice against the students of Lantreind and is illegal according to the National Education Test Act (NETA) verse 5:";
cout<<'\n'<<"'For thee who dare to destroy a student's scores, shall be convicted in the name of the Veneroth name.'"<<'\n'<<"You have been warned.";
好的,二!我是新手!练习'if else'功能..我希望能够这样做:
- 如果比分是 0-89,他们不及格。
- 如果比分是 90-179,他们就通过了。
- 如果分数是180,他们以满分通过!耶!
- 如果分数低于 0 或高于 180,我希望程序告诉他们做对。
我一直在修改代码,起初,第一个和第二个'if and if else(s)'没有'逗号后的代码'。所以,即使分数是 180 或 -897 或 1131,它仍然会说他们(通过/不通过),完全忽略了第 3 和第 4 条“if else(s)”。
哦!而且,我想“暂停(1)”,因为我为什么放 #include 很明显,但它不起作用!消息是 =
错误:函数“int pause ()”的参数太多